Once you’ve got something, now you can’t mumble. If you have something good to say, you can’t mumble. Right? It’s gotta be clear, or no matter how good the message is, that you gotta delivered, how good the instructions or ideas, no matter how they are, if you don’t deliver them well, now the power is lost, the opportunity is lost.
Here is that will help you to ‘say it well’ :
One, SINCERITY. If the message is delivered with sincerity, see that makes us the different. If the speaker is sincere, if the writer is sincere, if the father is sincere, if the mother is sincere, see that’s captivating for the other. If the friend is sincere, even covering a delicate subject for us, of some changes we probably should make. If they’re sincere, see we will give them room, perhaps to get in our case, if we know they’re sincere, not just to criticize for criticizing sake. If you’re sincerity, I’m telling you that wins that day.

To get better at something, you just have to go DO IT, go DO IT! Accept every opportunity to make a little make talk if that’s gonna be your business, get better at talking to others, come up

Don’t take too long to say if you can say it in shorter sentences in shorter time. One way to learn brevity is to talk to kids. You talk to kids for 30 seconds and they, “How long is this gonna take?” It’s already to long, right? 30 seconds? I mean, they got games to play and things to do, they can’t hang around for, you know, and hour this course. So talk to kids is help you to make you more brief, powerful but brief, well said and, you know, more brief.
The story teller tell us Jesus wondered around the country side and putting His twelve together that was gonna start these whole new movement, and every once in a while you would say, “YOU, FOLLOW ME.” See that’s short. That no hour presentation with the fancy light and you know, just that short sentence. Why could He be so brief and so short with that simple appeal. Probably for He was, not just for what He said for who He was. There’s something about Him when he said that. Probably His reputation, His manner, probably on how He said it, irresistible. Wow!

So here’s what powerful and you can talk less and even be more effective in this personal development area :
“The stronger you become and the wiser you become, the more caring you become, it shows on your language in your manner, the texture of your communication changes and reach it where it couldn’t reach before, it strike the heart where it didn’t strike before.
That’s the key.
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