You got to hangin’ there. Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer, when it gets a little hot, and a little uncomfortable, and it looks like the weeds are winning, and it looks like the bigs are have enough fists. And you have a tendency to say, “Hey, I’ve had it with this.”
But the key is if you want the harvest in the fall at harvest time, you’ve got to stay through the summer. Even if the harvest doesn’t turn up to be good. You just see it through, and use that experience to do better planting in the spring come the next turn around of seasons. So stayin’ there. If you’re gonna play the game you got to stay until it’s over.
On the team, what if the team, and you’re guys were behind, and you said, “Hey, we’re so far behind, we are out here.” And you all walk the court. Right? We would run you out of the town, probably. We wouldn’t own you as the home team. Say, “I am behind so I’m out of here.” NOO! You stay UNTIL IT’S OVER. We’re not talkin’ about the life time now, we’re just talking about THIS GAME, if you’re in it, stay till it’s over.

Who are these people who leave as the spectator before the game was over? Because their team is behind. “Our team is behind, we’re out of here.” What if the team said that? Who are these people that walked you know push and spill pop corn and coke down you’re neck, leaving early, who are these people???
There is one that said, “We’re gonna beat the traffic!” Oh that’s one of the gratest skill on earth ! Beating the traffic, leaving your team as behind. “Good bye, we’re out here, we’re gone.” NOO! If you sign up for the game (you don’t have to go to every game), but the one you sign up, you stay. You don’t have to do everything at everytime, but when you start it, see it through, see the seasons through, then you don’t have to plant anymore, if you don’t want to. But when you sign up, go, go, go the distance.

“John, what are you good at?”
He said, “Startin’ over, that my speciality.” If it doesn’t work, I don’t stay long.” NOO! C’mon! See it through! LIFE IS WORTHWHILE IF YOU STAY, HANGIN THERE.
“If you care at all, you’ll get some results, If you care enough, you can get extraordinary result.” If you really cultivate your caring character, and care enough, you can have such extraordinary return from productivity, activity, things you’re doing under way.
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