You gotta know, you gotta have the information. Get the information while you’re here. What you’re gonna do that’s up to you, throw it all away that’s up to you, just use a little is up to you, but while you’re here GET IT ALL.
There nothing worse that being stupid. Being broken is bad, but being stupid is really bad. So get the information. What’s really really bad is being broken and stupid. Nothing worse than that. Unless you’re sick, that’ll do it. Sick, broken, stupid. It’s about as far as you can fall, unless you’re ugly. But surely that’s the ultimate negative life : ugly, sick, broken, stupid. That is it.
Ignorance is not bliss
Ignorance is tragedy
Ignorance is illness
Ignorance is tragedy
Ignorance is devastation
Ignorance is goin’ broke
Ignorance is create a poor life.
So you gotta know you gotta have the information. Learn from your personal experience. One way to learn to do it right, it is first mess it up and do it wrong. THAT’S DOESN’T MEAN THAT’S THE END OF YOUR LIFE. But just now clean up the mess, now do it right.
And you said, “Woww!!” And you make it for the health food store, and you start reading every book you can read on health and nutrition, and you start doing the push up, and you start jogging on the beach and doing all the stuff. And all of that change now can very well help you to live a long long life. Having been alerted, in alarm system that serve you well. So learn from your negative as well as your positive experience.
Here the next : Learn from other people experiences. That’s how you get smarter in shorter period of time. Somebody has been through it for five years, and they wrote a book?? And the book if you read it can save you five years. Cost a few thousand Rupiah (IDR) or $30?? See just you can miss that kind of education. Best to get the information before, yes we can recover, we can comeback you know from the grave, practically… yes we can comeback from bankruptcy and disaster and poor health. But wow, if we have the information up front, that would save us some of those years of disaster. How much better that would be. So learn from other people experiences. Both negative and positive.

“John, would you spend the day with me? And I’ll bring my notebook and take good notes.” "Good looking guy like you, beautiful family, every reason to do well, and through it all away, teach me for a day how you mess it all up??"
And you just take GOOD NOTES. So the same thing doesn’t happen to you. So learn from your experiences, and other people experiences. IF YOU LEARN, LIFE IS WORTHWHILE.

You gonna now try something, from what you’ve learn. I’ve write about that earlier, take action. You Never Know Until You Try. If you put a bar up two feet and ask the kid to jump over the bar two feed high. What will the kid say?
Some will say, “No I can’t.”
Some will say, “Easy.”
Some will say, “I don’t know.”
So how we will gonna find out for every body? You gotta take a run at it, and see if you can jump the two feet. So you gotta try it to see who knows, you don’t know. What if you try and knock the bar down, is that mean you can not jump two feet? NOO!! You try it, AGAIN ! Then somebody shows you a little technique, right? Leave the ground a little earlier. Ok. First thing you know two feet easy, when before you couldn’t or didn’t think you could. So you gotta try it. Getting speeches and doing talks (presentation). Just keep trying.
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