Beware of the thief on the street that’s after your purse, but also beware the thief in your mind that’s after your promise.
That little thief that says :
“You’re too short”
“You’re too tall”
“You’re too old”
“You’ve never done it before, what makes you think you can do it now? Nobody in your family has ever done it.”
In fact if you start they’ll make fun of you. It’s call the thief in the mind that steal the dreams and the promise. Makes you less effective than you should be.
Here is you must do : BATTLE WITH THE MIND !
Now what’s the purpose of all this opposite in conflict? Here’s what I think it is : To create high drama.
God wishing it to continue on earth as it did in heaven. I guess. HeHe. That’s the best conclusion I’ve come to. Because here is the last of this now : would it possible to win if you couldn’t lose? And the answer is NO. It’s doesn’t seem like it.
High drama is the order of the day. I guess so ordered by God Himself. But that’s what makes life so unique, so challenging, so much opportunity, a chance of fortune and a chance of failure. And you got to defend yourself against one, see if you can maximize the other. That’s the game of life.
What if you pick up a book...??
And the book first chapter said : “Everything is fine”
Chapter two : “Everything is fine”
Chapter three : “Everything is just fine”
Chapter four : “Everything is still just fine”
WOULD YOU FINISH THIS BOOK? And the answer is NO! What kind of book is this?!
So the book in our life’s story it’s not gonna be these. It’s gonna be fill with the full dramas of the high, the low and the winter and the spring and the summer and the harvest.
So in the summer : Do the work of summer, be both optimistic and vigilant.
Two great words of antiquity
In the Bible there is a little story that says : Beware off the little foxes that spoiling the vines. Somehow it looks okay, but this old old story says : JUST BECAUSE THE VINE LOOKS OKAY YOU GOT TO LOOK A LITTLE CLOSE. THE LITTLE FOXES MAYBE EATING THE VINES.
So whether it’s personal relationship, or business opportunity, or your future or your life or the management of your time, or your health or whatever. BEHOLD THE POSSIBILITIES. And beware of the danger. That’s the key. And all of that we call : Personal Development.
This blog dedicated to share some experiences and notes, that maybe helpful to your life. Study, Practice and Teach. I Embrace In Double Win. The Ultimate Double Win. I Win, You Win. We will Win Together.
- Ant Philosophy (1)
- Careful with Power (1)
- Challenge To Pursue (3)
- Classic Sermon (1)
- Communication (3)
- Failure Formula (1)
- Five Abilities (2)
- Four Steps To Success (1)
- Goal Setting (2)
- Identify (1)
- Inspire (1)
- Intensity (1)
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- Money Philosophy (3)
- Personal Development (3)
- Persuasion (2)
- Philosophy (3)
- Public Speaking (2)
- Season's Lessons (5)
- Solution (2)
- Success Equations (1)
- Success Formula (1)
- The Four "If" (2)
- Thief of Mind (1)
- Things we Affected by (3)
- Time (1)
- Tools of Last Resort (2)
Blog Archive
- Communication [cont'd]
- The Fourth If That Make Life Worthwhile [2]
- The Fourth If That Make Life Worthwhile [1]
- Good communication [part 1]
- Communication
- Life Style [2]
- Life Style [1]
- The Formula of Success
- The Formula of Failure
- Four Steps To Success
- [Video] Lessons Of The Seasons by Jim Rohn
- The Five Abilities [Part 2]
- The Five Abilities [Part 1]
- Personal Development : #3 Mental
- Personal Development : #2 Spiritual
- Personal Development : #1 Physical
- Season Of Life #4
- Thief In Your Mind
- Season Of Life #3
- Season Of Life #2
- Season of Life #1
- Philosophical Language
- Success Equations
- Ideas + Inspirations
- Produce Far More
- Next challenge
- Another good phrase
- Little phrase to memorize
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- Introduction

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