I'd like thank to Tony Robbins with his indirect lecture, from books, tapes, cassetes and CDs that taught me knowledge that new for me. I still remember in Dec. 2005 I was in a deep shit. Later on I start a journey reading books, attending a small seminar (Big seminar? You know cost a hundred, maybe thousand dollars) turned me around, make BREAKTHROUGH and another BREAKTHROUGH, and another BREAKTHROUGH.
Another thanks to Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley and especially Jim Rohn for his taught for life and business philosophy. Some of this writing adopted from their lectures.
Many thanks to Stephen Covey, later I knew that his 7th Habits were first published in 1989, and I read it in 2006 !!!!! Maybe you say : "Too late of you !! Huh." But I think, it is NEVER not too late to learn something valuable. Do you agree?
Later I'd like thanks to people make my day in hard time, boys, girls especially (you know).
I don't forget many many thanks to my ALMIGHTY GOD, JEHOVAH JIREH, my PROVIDER.
I will finish my Master Degree in Management by the end of this year (2007). Maybe I will continue my Ph.D in the next few year, I still don't know yet.
Last, I wish all the best for you all. Maybe someday you can share yours too, together we lunch or dinner maybe, I'll pay for us :-) HeHeHe.

Happy reading.
Warmest Regards,
Amru Sahmono B. Manalu
+62 81 80 84 70 000
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