Next is a little phrase that I’d like to have you memorize, and if you memorize I’m sure it’ll follow you for the rest of your life. Here is the phrase “FROM TESTIMONIAL AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WE HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION TO CONCLUDE THAT IT’S POSSIBLE TO DESIGN AND LIVE AND EXTRAORDINARY LIFE."
I hope you take the idea. And what I want for you is to gather more ways and means to design and live for you an extraordinary life. I don’t know how far you want to go. Here is the first essence of life and that is SELF PRESERVATION, to produce enough to take care of your self. The instructions given right to the couple that left the garden of Eden, one was to MULTIPLY in the lonely place for the only two people. But here the next instructions, TO BE FRUITFUL. How fruitful, how productive should one be.
And here is good phrase “To produce enough to survive, to produce enough to take care of your self.” And self care is important. If you flying on an aeroplane that flight attendant says that from some reason we’ve run out of oxygen, these oxygen mask will fall from the ceiling and if you have children with you quickly take care of them of them then take care of your self. NO ! They say what? Put your mask on first see to your survival first then you’ll be more capable taking care of the survival of your children. Isn’t that interesting?
This blog dedicated to share some experiences and notes, that maybe helpful to your life. Study, Practice and Teach. I Embrace In Double Win. The Ultimate Double Win. I Win, You Win. We will Win Together.
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- The Formula of Failure
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- [Video] Lessons Of The Seasons by Jim Rohn
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