A FEW SIMPLE DISCIPLINE PRACTICED EVERY DAY. Now you’re on the road to success. A few error in judgment repeated, you know it’s easy to repeat. But a few simple discipline practiced every day, and you can turn anything around.
Once you see that you’re suffering either early consequences or severe consequences, all you have to do now is SHUT DOWN THAT ROUTE, PICK ANOTHER DESTINATION AND START GOING THAT WAY WITH SOME EASY DISCIPLINES that day by day gather momentum and now one success leads to another and leads to another. Just EASY discipline.

“ALL DISCIPLINE AFFECT EACH OTHER.” Every discipline affect the rest, every lack of discipline affect the rest, every discipline you NEGLECT affect the rest. What’s interesting about success is starting a new discipline, a couple of new disciplines and sure enough, once you’ve game just a little bit of success and a couple of new disciplines, it’ll inspire you to clean up the rest, it’ll inspire you to FINE TUNE all of your other discipline.
Each new affects the rest, each lack of discipline affects the rest. So starting on this journey of new disciplines, solving problems, going from error in judgment to easy discipline that change it all.

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