Now you got to develop your own style (like I do in this recent time). You can be a student of style. There is a dozen people that I know over the years that you know those dozen appear to someone’s style. You know, NOT COPYING ANYONE PERSON. “I like the person’s gestures.” Frank Sinatra was the best not for only his lyrics and his phrasing, and his style, but his GESTURES. They were captivating, part of his persona.
So make this note, it’s not just what you say, IT IS HOW YOU SAY IT. Style, sincerity, the way you present it, heart, soul, from deep inside, commitment, dedication, all there in your language, so when you present it, become incredibly effective.
Next is Vocabulary.

The better your vocabulary, the better you can share ideas that were meaningful, find words now to use that you couldn’t use before. Interesting story on vocabulary (I read in on a book). Some people in research took a survey among prisoners, some rehabilitation programs they working on for prisoners : THERE’S DEFINITELY A CONNECTION BETWEEN VOCABULARY AND BEHAVIOR.
And here is what they discovered : THE MORE LIMITED THE VOCABULARY, THE MORE TENDENCY TO POOR BEHAVIOR. Isn’t that interesting? And when you think about it for a while, you can say, “Well I can see where that would be.” If you’re very limited in your ability to comprehend because you have such as limited small vocabulary, no matter what someone said, you’d still be confusing, it still might not make sense. They said it clear but you couldn’t see it and sometimes it’s because the vocabulary is so limited that is doesn’t have the ability to register the scene on the screen of your consciousness.
So start working on vocabulary, and immediately BEHAVIOR WILL START TO CHANGE. Being able to see, comprehend. Now I see, now I understand the reason why. And as your education increases that should be one of the major purpose of your education, is to help to see thing you couldn’t see before, comprehend what you couldn’t comprehend before, see beyond tomorrow you couldn’t see before. See that the gift. Now here’s another reason.

So remember this : Make one of the books very important book and that is the DICTIONARY. Word that you don’t understand, look it up. What is the word? There is nothing richer than English language, not like Indonesian, as you translate it, the art become disappear. You understand that? It is interesting when you have MULTI LANGUAGES. (I learned Chinese language, reading and some writing, only for four months). The gift of language is so powerful, it’s worth the exercise, it’s worth the effort. Vocabulary, brevity, style, repetition, sincerity, saying it well.
Here is another on saying it well : DON’T FAIL TO SAY IT.

You need to practice. Practice every where. If you’re gonna give someone a gift and send a little card, practice making this little card something will kept and remembered for the rest of their life.
Not like every one else, different than everyone else. It’s the practice of using your gift of saying things, another way until the light turns on, another way that express something heart, felt, that the standard ordinary language couldn’t reach, couldn’t paint this mental pictures. It’s OK to give flowers. But don’t let flowers do all your talking. Flowers have a limited vocabulary.
Guess what flower say : “YOU REMEMBER ME !” That’s about all they say.
See flower talk, but they don’t say that say that. That you got to put into a little card.
Then you sign it.
And see long after the flowers were gone, somebody will gonna keep the words.

Jim Rohn once told his story when he and his wife, Judy parted ways, unique experience. He wrote a little notes :
Dear Judy As often as the night comes, so does my sadness
As constant as the day arrive, so is my love for you
I wish for you and I wish the best for you And I understand that dilemma
My life is here where you touch me
If every you would call I’ll be there to be touched again.
Isn't that touch you?
Note this : “Words are no substitution for action, ACTION IS NO SUBTITUTE FOR WORDS.

It’s Ok to do.. do.. do.. but you’ve also got to say say.. say.. say.. Express it as clumsy as it might be to start. Start a better program of better communication, saying it better, saying it better.
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