What’s about get to be more complicated is I am Man and (maybe) You are Woman ! Expectation, demands, and all of that. It’s the challenge. So make this note : If two or three agree on a common purpose, nothing is impossible. That’s a good communication challenge. Could we identify the common purpose, common reason and get together and blend our resources together, my time and your friends / spouse time?
That might be extraordinary time ! One plus one doesn’t equal two. One plus one could equal ten, the power of ten (in terms of potential power in blending talent and skills and purpose) could multiply the power not by two but by ten. That’s way an extraordinary partnerships can produce some of the most colossal productivity and activity in business structure an all kind of unique things. Doesn’t take that many.

If the adult is 40 and the child is 12, see that a heck of bridge to build between 40 and 12. How you identify it? Remember when you’re are 12, and talk about that. One of the promise of being twelve that you’re not 13 !
This is call IDENTIFICATION : Finding some common ground in which to communicate.
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