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Ant Philosophy

Yesterday Oct 30, 2007 I saw the Google Page Rank is at 2. What an improvement huh?

Now, let me give you a couple of clues now about the ants philosophy.


If they’re going somewhere and you stop them or block their pathway, they’ll look for another way up down and all round. How long will they keep lookin’? Till they find another way or until they die ! See that’s good philosophy.


That’s why ants appear to be in a hurry all summer. “Go . . Go . . Go . . Go . .”Why? “Winter . . Winter . . Winter . . Hurry . . Hurry . . Hurry . The time is running out . . Get the food, bring it back, winter’s almost here.” See that’s good philosophy. So we’ve got that notes now. Be like the ants. Think winter in the summer. Don’t think summer in the summer and get faked out, “look how lovely and look how nice” - see that’s getting fake out. Ants don’t do that.

In the winter you got say, “We won’t be in here long, we will soon be out of here, we’ll be out there working and gathering more food and providing for the future. This winter won’t last long, We’ll soon be out of here.” So the key is to think summer in the winter and, think winter in the summer. Now some of people need help on this, you got to learn how to put it the such away, and giving them the ants philosophy stories on of the best, think winter in the summer and then think summer in the winter.

Think negative when it’s positive, and then think positive when it’s negative.

ISN’T THAT A CHALLEENGE ? Yes, but that’s the life, that’s the deal. How often does winter follow fall? EVERY YEAR! Here’s the essence of life : OPPRTUNITY MIX WITH DIFFICULTY. That’s about as simple as you can put it from the beginning. So that’s not gonna change, the winter will gonna come.

But here’s what we all we need to be advice : Think winter in the summer, think opportunity in the winter. And here’s the deal : SOMETIMES THERE SEEM TO BE MORE DIFFICULTY THAN OPPORTUNITY. It does ! Then it turns ! And then there’s more opportunity than difficulty. And the key is to take advantage when liberty comes, in excess when liberty comes in a great amounts, take advantage build the city, the economy, everything.


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