Under Communication :
#2 SAY IT WELL.Once you’ve got something, now you can’t mumble. If you have something good to say, you can’t mumble. Right? It’s gotta be clear, or no matter how good the message is, that you gotta delivered, how good the instructions or ideas, no matter how they are, if you don’t deliver them well, now the power is lost, the opportunity is lost.
Here is that will help you to ‘say it well’ :One, SINCERITY. If the message is delivered with sincerity, see that makes us the different. If the speaker is sincere, if the writer is sincere, if the father is sincere, if the mother is sincere, see that’s captivating for the other. If the friend is sincere, even covering a delicate subject for us, of some changes we probably should make.
If they’re sincere, see we will give them room, perhaps to get in our case, if we know they’re sincere, not just to criticize for criticizing sake. If you’re sincerity, I’m telling you that wins that day.

Hopefully like this, we can hear and see someone sincerely willing to speak or write, and someone sincerely willing to listen or read. Sincerity is not a test of truth. In you’re studying and evaluating everything, just make sure you have that in the back of your mind. We must not make a mistake of saying, “He must be right, he’s so sincere.” See that maybe a mistake. Why is that?? Here is why, “It possible to be sincerely wrong.” Here’s the only test of truth : Truth -
Truth is the only test of truth, not sincerity. We hope someone will be both truth and all sincere. But we don’t mistake sincerity for truth.
Two, REPETITION. To get better at something, you just have to go DO IT, go DO IT! Accept every opportunity to make a little make talk if that’s gonna be your business, get better at talking to others, come up

of more illustrations, come up of more ideas, read an extra book how to communicate with other people. So you have something a little better to say, and just practice it, get good at it, get better at it.
Three, BREVITY.Don’t take too long to say if you can say it in shorter sentences in shorter time. One way to learn brevity is to talk to kids. You talk to kids for 30 seconds and they, “How long is this gonna take?” It’s already to long, right? 30 seconds? I mean, they got games to play and things to do, they can’t hang around for, you know, and hour this course. So talk to kids is help you to make you more brief, powerful but brief, well said and, you know, more brief.
The story teller tell us Jesus wondered around the country side and putting His twelve together that was gonna start these whole new movement, and every once in a while you would say,
“YOU, FOLLOW ME.” See that’s short. That no hour presentation with the fancy light and you know, just that short sentence. Why could He be so brief and so short with that simple appeal. P
robably for He was, not just for what He said for who He was. There’s something about Him when he said that. Probably His reputation, His manner, probably on how He said it, irresistible. Wow!

So here’s what powerful and you can talk less and even be more effective in this personal development area :
“The stronger you become and the wiser you become, the more caring you become, it shows on your language in your manner, the texture of your communication changes and reach it where it couldn’t reach before, it strike the heart where it didn’t strike before.That’s the key.
You got to hangin’ there. Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer, when it gets a little hot, and a little uncomfortable, and it looks like the weeds are winning, and it looks like the bigs are have enough fists. And you have a tendency to say,
“Hey, I’ve had it with this.”But the key is if you want the harvest in the fall at harvest time,
you’ve got to stay through the summer. Even if the harvest doesn’t turn up to be good. You just see it through, and use that experience to do better planting in the spring come the next turn around of seasons.
So stayin’ there. If you’re gonna play the game you got to stay until it’s over.
On the team, what if the team, and you’re guys were behind, and you said,
“Hey, we’re so far behind, we are out here.” And you all walk the court. Right? We would run you out of the town, probably. We wouldn’t own you as the home team. Say,
“I am behind so I’m out of here.” NOO!
You stay UNTIL IT’S OVER. We’re not talkin’ about the life time now, we’re just talking about THIS GAME, if you’re in it,
stay till it’s over.
Who are these people who leave as the spectator before the game was over? Because their team is behind.
“Our team is behind, we’re out of here.” What if the team said that?
Who are these people that walked you know push and spill pop corn and coke down you’re neck, leaving early, who are these people???There is one that said,
“We’re gonna beat the traffic!” Oh that’s one of the gratest skill on earth ! Beating the traffic, leaving your team as behind.
“Good bye, we’re out here, we’re gone.” NOO! If you sign up for the game (
you don’t have to go to every game), but the one you sign up, you stay. You don’t have to do everything at everytime, but when you start it, see it through, see the seasons through, then you don’t have to plant anymore, if you don’t want to. But when you sign up, go, go, go the distance.

Here is the guy who build the foundation and he walks and leaves it. Puts up no walk, no roof, doesn’t finish anything, he’s got the foundation scatter it all across the country.
Foundation, foundation. I ask a friend of mine :
“John, what are you good at?”He said,
“Startin’ over, that my speciality.” If it doesn’t work, I don’t stay long.” NOO! C’mon! See it through!
#4 IF YOU CARE.“If you care at all, you’ll get some results, If you care enough, you can get extraordinary result.” If you really cultivate your caring character, and care enough, you can have such extraordinary return from productivity, activity, things you’re doing under way.
#1 IF YOU LEARN. You gotta know, you gotta have the information.
Get the information while you’re here. What you’re gonna do that’s up to you, throw it all away that’s up to you, just use a little is up to you, but while you’re here
GET IT ALL.There nothing worse that being stupid. Being broken is bad, but being stupid is really bad. So get the information. What’s really really bad is being broken and stupid. Nothing worse than that. Unless you’re sick, that’ll do it. Sick, broken, stupid. It’s about as far as you can fall, unless you’re ugly. But surely that’s the ultimate negative life :
ugly, sick, broken, stupid. That is it.
WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW WILL HURT YOU ! Ignorance is not blissIgnorance is tragedyIgnorance is illnessIgnorance is tragedyIgnorance is devastationIgnorance is goin’ brokeIgnorance is create a poor life.So you gotta know you gotta have the information. Learn from your personal experience. One way to learn to do it right, it is f
irst mess it up and do it wrong.
THAT’S DOESN’T MEAN THAT’S THE END OF YOUR LIFE. But just now clean up the mess, now do it right.

From the negative experience sometimes we learn to do the positive things that saves our life and make us successful. They say,
“If you survive your first heart attack, if you survive, you may now live to be the very old person.” Why is that? That’s first attack was the wake up call, and then maybe the doctor said,
“Another one of this, and you’re history!”And you said,
“Woww!!” And you make it for the health food store, and you start reading every book you can read on health and nutrition, and you start doing the push up, and you start jogging on the beach and doing all the stuff. And all of that change now can very well help you to live a long long life. Having been alerted, in alarm system that serve you well. So learn from your negative as well as your positive experience.
Here the next :
Learn from other people experiences. That’s how you get smarter in shorter period of time. Somebody has been through it for five years, and they wrote a book?? And the book if you read it can save you five years. Cost a few thousand Rupiah (IDR) or $30?? See just you can miss that kind of education. Best to get the information before,
yes we can recover, we can comeback you know from the grave, practically… yes we can comeback from bankruptcy and disaster and poor health. But wow, if we have the information up front, that would save us some of those years of disaster. How much better that would be. So learn from other people experiences.
Both negative and positive.
TOO BAD FAILURES DON’T GIVE SEMINARS. They don’t want to pay them, but their information would be valuable. If a guy messed up his life for 40 years, you just have to say,
“John, would you spend the day with me? And I’ll bring my notebook and take good notes.” "Good looking guy like you, beautiful family, every reason to do well, and through it all away, teach me for a day how you mess it all up??"
And you just take GOOD NOTES. So the same thing doesn’t happen to you. So learn from your experiences, and other people experiences.
You gonna now try something, from what you’ve learn. I’ve write about that earlier, take action.
You Never Know Until You Try. If you put a bar up two feet and ask the kid to jump over the bar two feed high. What will the kid say?
Some will say,
“No I can’t.” Some will say,
“Easy.”Some will say,
“I don’t know.” So how we will gonna find out for every body? You gotta take a run at it, and see if you can jump the two feet. So you gotta try it to see who knows, you don’t know. What if you try and knock the bar down, is that mean you can not jump two feet? NOO!!
You try it, AGAIN ! Then somebody shows you a little technique, right? Leave the ground a little earlier. Ok. First thing you know two feet easy, when before you couldn’t or didn’t think you could. So you gotta try it. Getting speeches and doing talks (presentation).
Just keep trying.

Here is the first step to achieve good communication
#1 HAVE SOMETHING GOOD TO SAYThat’s step number one, it’s very obvious. To have something good to say, try to recall, remember, and take notes, keep journal or whatever of your experiences because as you live your life you’re gonna have something good to say.
One, from your failures and
Two from your successes. You’re gonna have something better you say from the mistakes you’ve made and how you corrected it and bailed your self out. In sometimes instead just registering it in your head, why not committed to paper, so it is get logged, recorded, and someday you can use it, for the future, maybe.

The key to speaking well, the key excellent communication is
PREPARATION. Actually all of our life is preparing. This year preparing for the next, those junior high school preparing to senior high school, then to the college, college to university preparing to career. A career to earn money then preparing to make an investments to keep you safe and secure, build the financial wall around your family, nothing can get through. Always preparing for those steps and stages in our life, that’s part of the game of life. For human it seem like to take longer to prepare.
So preparation, getting ready, sometimes seem so laborious. After the grade one, now you gotta for to grade two, after grade two, then grade three, will it never end? C’mon, one more grade, grade four and then five.. Wow, seems it like take us forever to finally get ready, you know to design a life, and get married, and have a family and career, fortune and future. But
it takes preparation.Now to communicate well, here’s some good words to prepare for communication :
First : INTEREST. Just keep your interest alive in people, and places. If you develop the interest in all of that, when it’s right side up and when it’s up side down. Take an interest in politics of the day, and the speeches and all that’s happening, that’s gives you good stuff to debate and decide, where do you stand on the major issues, not only the political issues, but the major life issues. Be that kind and interest in
LIFE and PEOPLE. That’s the whole study. Life study life, in all of it’s twisted and terms, study people and all of their variety.
Last I heard these statement.
“In being an enterprise that where you have to employed people, get people to work with you, that’s the challenge. Different ages, opinions, personality, temperaments.
One of the skill to get big money :
GETTING PEOPLE TO WORK TOGETHER. See they all different and the whole variety. How do you get them all to work together? Well, IT’S NOT EASY. It’s a challenge, organizing, getting people to work together, but the pay and the PAY CHECK? Unbelievable ! Now when you’re working with independent people, then it’s really is challenging.
Have you try that? Herding sheep is easy, they all quickly get going to same direction, very quickly.
Cats? NO WAY!!If you got eight cats, how many direction are they going. EIGHT DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS. But if you can master herding cats (
I’m still learning this stuff), the paycheck like you can not believe. Wow. There is a surprise a day, waiting for you working with people. And some people are, some are not. But there’s only a few.
To whom in sales actually I’ve heard this :
“There is only nine or ten real nasty, miserable, horrible people in the world!” THEY MOVE AROUND A LOT ! HeHe. And you’re labile to get one once in a while. But when you do, you just say,
“Hey there’s only nine more like you, I can handle that the rest of my life.” That’s really good. And then sometime you got try to really wit and little humor, that’s helps.

Recently I read this example of conversation.
A : “I heard some people die using to that product”B : “Not that many.” Now with the silly comment that he make, so give him a silly answer. You can’t give a honest answer to a silly comment.
B (continued) : “I understand as long as the death surround one hundred a month, they get to keep selling the product. If the number go over the hundred, they’ve to come in for a review." Now that’s a silly nonsense, but he deserve it. Use a little humor. Somebody says, “This is not gonna work for me.”
“It’s not design to work to some people. I don’t know, what do I know?? Too bad that’s you. Huh.. you know, what can I say, I’m not a genius to figure this stuff out.” The best wit in the world is Winston Churcil, right? Lady Astur and the English parlement, exasperate in one day with Winston Churcil
She said,
“Winston, if you’re my husband, I’ll put poison in your coffee.Winston said,
“Lady Astur, if you’re my wife, I WILL DRINK IT !! Whatever it takes,
don’t let anybody put you down. Be the student of life and people and all of the varieties, what’s happening in the world. It’s an interesting place to live. And while you’re here, learn all you can, study all you can. The varieties, you know some people are easy, some are miserable, just learn how to handle of that.
Second : Fascination.It goes the steps beyond just interest. Be like a child, fascinated with everything.
Third : Sensitivity.Trying to understand where people are, whether coming from the positioning maybe in at the moment. Trying to understand a night visit, after days and some winter are tough, and some people are have the tough time. Be sensitive to all of that.
Fourth : Knowledge. Gather every idea you can [continued]

In these session of my writing, I’d like to write communication. Affecting other people with your language.
Here is the one of the greatest gifts all of us have :
Our Language. Our ability to speak, to framework in the situation that we create images, pictures. Help someone to understand, to become educated, to see what they couldn’t see before. It’s almost God like in power. The story teller tell us, “In the beginning God spoke and said,
“Let there be light, and there was light.” Giving us the indication, that God’s Word can CREATE light.
Creating light by His own Words is the power of all of us , Creating sight, which is light in a form, helping somebody to see by using our language the best we know how.
What if somebody can’t see how they could possibly be successful and you came along and told them your story, choosing the best word you possibly could and when you finished your story, they said,
“Now I can see.” Before you got here, I was blind, couldn’t see. Now that you’ve shared with me by your language, your story, now I can see. Before you got here, I was in the dark. And it seem to me while you’re talking something’s dawn dawn me. "Like the sun started coming up, and the more you talked, the further up the sun came and brighter got the images and the imagination. Helping people to see, that’s one of the greatest gifts. Words are so powerful if they’re framed right, if they sensed with sincerity. Words that created images, that express life, experiences, gifts of ideas that you got to share.
See if you can inspire with your own language, a better sense of the importance of the day, of doing the work, of getting good grades, developing yourself, becoming who you like to become, doing the disciplines now and later give you the joy. Later I know that teaching is one the greatest sense of the accomplishment in the world, helping somebody learn, take early steps in a new career, to be an entrepreneur, showing somebody the way, the gift of word, language.
Here is what old prophet said, “Words are like a lamp for your feet, so you can where to walk.” That the gift. And then he said. “Words also like a light for your pathway, so you can see where to go.” If somebody with gift of language and words can help to walk you where you should walk, and then show you a pathway to go, they you do immeasureable service.
Who could calculate the value, and the worth of that kind of exercise, showing somebody to steps to take, and the way to go that would be helpful, whether it’s a way to good health, better relationship, way to an entrepreneur, a refinement of career, doesn’t matter what it is. If we know the steps, and somebody reveals us the way, see they do us by their own languge, some of the greatest gifts we’ve ever enjoyed. Word and languages. Later I write about steps to “Good Communication.” (I learn it recently). So stay tune.
#2 Good friends. Friendships is one of the greatest support system in the world. Nourish it, protect it, look after it, develop it, to the best of your ability. Friends are those wonderful people who knows all about you and still like you, right? Gotta have those.
#3 Heritage.Keep your heritage alive, that’s make Indonesia great (really??!) It’s the combination of the variety of heritage, the most have here in Indonesia. Gift of languages, business ethics, government, music, poetry, the work ethic maybe.

Here is one of the greatest gift you have to bring, your heritage : customs, costumes and styles, poetry, language, ways, recipes, musics. Keep that alive. Don’t pass on the ceremony that come from your heritages. Keep those alive. That’s makes us great. Be thankful to all of that.
#4 Spirituality. I’ve already mentioned that before. Study - Practice - Teach.
#5 Don’t miss anything. This the major part of life style. Shut off the television, go look, go see, go do, taste the wine (sometimes), eat the food, enjoy the people, go to the movies. The best values you can pay for to see a movie cost what? A few thousand (IDR) or US $10? Hundred million to make it but only few thousand (IDR) or US $10 to see it??! Wow..! Don’t miss the performance, the songs, the lyrics, don’t miss what happening.

Go look, go see, go do. Average people watch the television six to eight hours a day. That’s too much time. Don’t miss anything, no matter how small the occasion. Go look, go see, go do. Experience Life ! Have you ever drink wine? If you’ve ever taste good taste wine, you will know that the wine is something different from other wine, just know, something inside you. “
The Genius is within all of us, it is just need to be exposed and developed, and used.” Something would have told you : “This is fine.” (even though you’re not wine connoisseur).
When you hear poetry, you say, wow, “this is fine.” The music, you say, “this is fine music.” Even if you’re not a musician. Something tells you inside. Now, if you miss all of that, if you don’t go, hear, listen, see, then you’re not tapping into this genius that can recognize something fine, whether it’s the poetry, the bible, or the lyrics of the music.
Just don’t miss it. Elton John sings “She lives her life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to cling to.” See, that’s fine. And now you go hear it again, again, and again. Let it nourish your soul and spirit, that’s part of life style. Living Well. That’s the key.

I heard this statement about lifestyle :
“The ultimate essence of life is not a Ferrari, it’s not bank account, it’s not million dollar, it’s not being rich or wealthy, but here is the ultimate essence of life, it is LIVING A GOOD LIFE. Even if you’re a person of modest means, and modest circumstances you can really if you wish go to work on the refinement of your lifestyle so that you can, even with modest means, live a good life. So what are the keys to living a good life?
#1 Productivity. You really won’t be happy if you don’t produce. Most of our life was to be devoted to labor and work, to produce. To produce work of art, to produce a crop of corn, to produce good family, to produce an enterprise. That’s the essence of life and it’s best form first is to be the PRODUCER.
What is the reason for the seed, and the soil, and the sunshine, and the rain, and the seasons of life and it’s miracle? What’s the reasons for all of that?
It is :
TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH IT. We got books to read, class to attend, thing to do, things to learn and if you put it all together, you can have not only health, but your fortune. Now, why not see what you can do with what you’ve been handed? As basic as seed and soil and sunshine and rain.
Here is what all of the us have the miracle and it’s almost God like and it’s potential :
THE ABILITY TO RECREATE. Only God can create, the seed, the soil, the sunshine, the rain, the seasons, the miracle of life. But here’s human can do, recreate those components into the harvest.
By planting the seed,
carefully taking care it in the summer, reaping the rewards in the harvest. We call that RECREATION. We can’t make a tree, but we can use the tree for wood to build the house, shelter for our family. It’s God like in terms of potential, to recreate.
To take your hours, your energy, life, and bit of skill and CREATE. Actually RE-create a career, a future, possibilities, fortune. The key is to use it. And you won’t be happy if you’re not extending your self.
Because here’s really the goal of the human adventure : THE FULL DEVELOPMENT OF ALL YOUR POTENTIAL.
Why not see how far you can go, how much you can earn, how much you can share, how much you can give. Why not see what all you could be, what you could become.. (continued..)

Now here’s the secret to success.
A FEW SIMPLE DISCIPLINE PRACTICED EVERY DAY. Now you’re on the road to success. A few error in judgment repeated, you know it’s easy to repeat. But a few simple discipline practiced every day, and you can turn anything around.
Once you see that you’re suffering either early consequences or severe consequences, all you have to do now is
SHUT DOWN THAT ROUTE, PICK ANOTHER DESTINATION AND START GOING THAT WAY WITH SOME EASY DISCIPLINES that day by day gather momentum and now one success leads to another and leads to another. Just EASY discipline.

And remember this in your personal development quest :
“ALL DISCIPLINE AFFECT EACH OTHER.” Every discipline affect the rest, every lack of discipline affect the rest, every discipline you NEGLECT affect the rest. What’s interesting about success is starting
a new discipline, a couple of new disciplines and sure enough, once you’ve game just a little bit of success and a couple of new disciplines, it’ll inspire you to clean up the rest, it’ll inspire you to FINE TUNE all of your other discipline.
Each new affects the rest, each lack of discipline affects the rest. So starting on this journey of new disciplines, solving problems, going from error in judgment to easy discipline that change it all.
And if you start that journey, it doesn’t take long for new signs of success to appear (I’m doing it now!!!). I ask you to start that same journey, let your new skills, discipline affect all of the rest and inspire you to never seize this quest for refinement of first philosophy then activity, to make your life better.

Here is The Formula of Failure :
“A few errors in judgment repeated every day.”
Why would we repeat an error in judgment another day, and another day?! Here is why : Disaster doesn’t usually fall on you at the end of the first day. I mean overnight we can avoid and change it all so these disaster don’t happen again.
Failure just takes you down the road you really don’t want to go, but it doesn’t seem like the consequences are gonna be severe at the end of the first day, first week. But you can’t let yourself get faked out. The guy say : “Ah, I’ve been eat junk food for 30 days, look how healthy I am.
DON’T UNDERSTAND. You can’t judge just after 30 days.
I remember one illustration about judging whether something is you know RIGHT or WRONG, TO DO IT or NOT TO DO IT. Talking to a kid as an ilustration. Just say I had a candle, and I lit the candle, and say to the kid :
“I’ve heard that if I put my finger in this flame this fire of the candle, that it’ll burn my finger.”And the kid say :
“Yes it will, if you put your finger in this flame from the candle it’ll burn your finger.”I say again,
“Well I don’t really know, but I’m willing to try it.”So later I stuck my finger in the candle flame (and pull it quickly) and I said, “
My finger appears to be OK.” And I did it again, pull it out, and said,
“My finger appears to be OK.”.
You got the message?
You can’t eat junk food for a month and say, “Look how to strong I am.” Because already you have started down the wrong road, but it first the consequences aren’t disasters. Your whole life is on upside down. You haven’t a rule in your whole life and you’re gonna have a heart attack at the end of 30 days.
But it’ll happen month by month, and a little more experiences eating junk food and sure enough now the consequences are start to show.
And then try to learn from others, that have gone down to disasters road, and sure enough they suffer the consequences, and you say, “WOW, THEN I’m GONNA CHANGE DIRECTION CAUSE I DON’T WANT THOSE CONSEQUENCES.” That call doublish SMART. Learning from error in judgment.

I don’t know what’s your really mean about success. Money? Fame? Car? Condo?
We are all going to that area, and I remember these stuff.
#1 Good ideas. Do your research on good ideas. Be a collector of good ideas. Keep a good record of good ideas. I got recommendation to keep a journal (an empty book), and I’m doing it now from that day. Capture it. Here is I remembered :
“Ahh, I’ll remember that, sure enough.” The time passes and somehow it’s gone. So write it down, if you don’t have the journal with you, just grab a piece of paper, and write it down, later put in your journal, so that it’ll become you know attractive to sit down on the cold rainy evening and go back through your journal. The ideas that change your life, maybe save your marriage, save you from bankruptcy, help you become successful, make you millions. Just what a good review, going back over the collection of good stuff that you gathered over the years. Be a collector of good ideas, for your life, business, relationships, future.
#2 Good plans. For the day, for the future, a good health plan, a good plan for your marriage. Building anything is like building house, you need to have a plan. Here is good time management idea : When you start a day, as soon as you have it finished. It’s like building the house building the life. What if you started laying a bricks and somebody says :
“What do you build?” And you say :
“I have no idea.” See they will come and take you away to a safe place.So you don’t start the house until you finish it. Is it possible to finish the house before you start it? Yes, it’ll be foolish to start until you it had finished. Not a bad time management idea. Don’t the start the day till it’s pretty well finished at least the outline of the day. Leave some room to improvise, for extra strategy, and finish it before you start. Here is the next one that’s more challenging. Don’t start the week until you have it finished. Lay it out, structure it, then put it to work.
The next one is the a little tough :
Don’t start the month until you have it finished. And the big one. not the bad idea toward the end of the year, sit down with your spouse, family, for the family structured the things, sit down in your business for the business things, sit down with your financial advisor for your investments and map out the year.
On your family maybe your children say :
“Where are we on the game plan, please show us our names on the game plan ?” That’s a pretty tough doing the whole year but at least have an idea, at least
the skeleton outline before you start a year, you’ll be a lot more excited.
#3 Learning to handle the passing of time. It’s take time to build a career, takes time to make changes, give your project time, give your people time. If you working with people give them time to learn, grow, change, develop, produce. Here is the big one, GIVE YOUR SELF TIME.
Takes time to master something new, takes time to make changes, and the refinement in philosophy as well as in activity, give your self time to learn, to get it, time to start some momentum, time to finally achieve. It is easy to be impatient with your self, right? I remember the first time to tie my shoes. It seem like it was taking forever. You can be a better pro. You can better master the art of managing time, conversing resources, working together as a partner. Give your self time.

#4 Learning to solve problems.
Business problems, family problems, personal problems, financial problems, emotional problems, the list is unending. Challenges are for us all. Here is the best way to treat the problem : THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW, CHANGE IF YOU HAVE TO, MODIFIY IF YOU MUST, DISCARD AN OLD PHILOSOPHY THAT WASN’T WORKING WELL TO A NEW ONE.
Jim Rohn one day met his mentor : "Show me your current economic plan that you working on." He said : “I don’t have any current economic plan, except keeping my head above water.” That was Jim Rohn current economic plan in that day.
Why don’t you modify that old philosophy that hasn’t got you where you want to go? And let’s try new strategy, learning from the old, trying some new. And I did that too. But if you make the changes, things are start to change.
I took that to my heart. And sure enough, the more I change for the better, the more I change from having a poor day to a good day, from lack of discipline to discipline, the more I change giving up old habits and acquiring a new one, the more my life change. So solving problems, treat them as opportunities to a meant error in judgment.
#4 Develop the ability to ACT.Activity now is the catalyst in miracle piece of the process.
A little subject call
How To Turn Nothing Into Something :
First : IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES. Imagination is the first step of the miracle of possibilities. Reality first start with imagination. Now it’s hard to call imagination nothing, but it’s not tangible. Everything is something even it’s the imagination, it’s something.
Einstein one said : “There is nothing faster than the speed of light.” Maybe here something faster than the speed of light :
That’s THOUGHT. It’s possible that the thought could be faster than the speed of light. How fast can you think back and think ahead? I guess we can’t say the exact same instant. But all we can say
“it seems like” the exact same instant, if you don’t know the truth, you can’t say that’s true. And if you’re not a scientist, you know, little out of order to say
“yes, this is true.”But here is that is seems like :
“IT POSSIBLE TO THINK BACK AND AHEAD AT HE SAME TIME ! I mean, HOW FAST IS THAT??!! To think back and think ahead. But it’s one of the marvelous capability that we all have and in your personal development quest of getting stronger and more vital both physically and spiritually, and mentally and do the exercise :
TO THINK, THINK BACK AND GATHER MORE EXPERIENCE. THINK AHEAD HOW TO APPLY IT. So the experience now multiply in value by two, five, ten. Read an inspiring book one more time, how someone went from nothing to something.
THE POSSIBLITIES ARE ABSOLUTELY ENDLESS AND UNLIMITED.Second : IMAGINE THAT SOME OF THE POSSIBILITIES ARE POSSIBLE FOR YOU.I call this now FAITH. Now we start with the imagination now we generate faith. What generates faith? Faith is generated sometimes when the testimonial closes like this :
“If I can do it, You can do it.” “I started behind."“I started under the basement, not in the basement.” “I started with death, not surplus.”“I started with no pennies, I had no pennies.” Finally got to turn around now everything is flourishing. That’s we all wanna hear. And then someone in the testimonial like that says :
“Hey, if I can do it, You can do it.”
Reassure our faith. Keep reading, keep listening to the testimonial.
One, that excite the imagination as to the possibilities.
Two, helps faith to occur, that what’s possible for one is possible for another.
Third : TO DEPOSIT YOUR IMAGINATION AND FAITH INTO HIGH ACTIVITY. Discipline activity, not just the activity, but skillful discipline. Take the classes to learn the skills, get around the people that will teach the discipline, and then deposit your imagining the possibilities and believing that is possible for you into
high activity.
Take joy in the work.
If you struggle to make something clear for someone else that helps to make it more clear for you. If one person listen (read) and one person speak (write), there is the opportunity for the transformation for both. The listener (reader) to be enlightened to see something you never saw before, but the writer here, will be better educated on how to present by struggling with the language.
Words are clumsy sometimes when you try to express what going on in your head, later on in your heart and spirit. But the more you struggle to make it clear, the clearer it gets for you. So both of us could be transformed, what you read here. And I as the writer could be transformed by the exercise of writing, trying it to make it clear. I’ll write something later in “Communication” topic. It’s almost God like quality. Communicating. Inspiring other people with your language.
#5 Develop the ability to SHARE. Not just your money or resources. One of the biggest thing to share of course is your time cause you’re limited on time, you can’t get any more time. Big decision for me here to write something you can read for free. HeHe. But here’s why : It is the investment time for me to share.
So the later come the harvest. By working hard to make clear for you, I’m getting as much as you are. Maybe later hearing some testimonials from reader here. So I’m asking you to do the same. In every possible time, whether you training, teaching, whether you asked to give the speech, always say YES, to the best of your ability.
So you’ll have one more time to share, one more time to help somebody leave themselves from poverty to success, from doubt to faith, from illness to health, from skepticism to believe. One more chance person to person, or class to class, or a little Sunday morning class or a little home meeting, or a personal conversation.
Tell somebody, something good, something valuable. The payoff for you, is in the attempt and the learning experience, and the payoff later is to get someone testimonial that got your name included.

Now develop these five abilities in your personal development quest. To be the best you can be, produce all you can, far more than you need for yourself and your family. If that’s your philosophy, and that’s you want to do, something extraordinary it’s possible to live an extraordinary life.
#1 Develop the ability to ABSORB. The ability to get everything. I don’t know what all you’ve plan in the few next day, month, year, you know.. BE IN EVERY CLASS you possibly can, just stay as long as you can. We all recognize the mind can only absorb what to seek and endure. But the key is not to be careless in the gathering of knowledge, not to be casual in the ideas that could double your health, triple your income, accelerate your career, secure your fortune, amplify your harvest, so don’t be careless in the gathering of ideas. Absorb every one you possibly can.
#2 Develop the ability to RESPOND. Let life touch you. Let the stories you. Let the drama touch you. Make you more in your reflection about life. And then say a prayer that what you couldn’t do by yourself maybe the collection of people can do, maybe the future will find some answers. A PRAYER WOULD HELP.
Let life touch you but DON’T LET IT KILL YOU !Let sad things make you sad, Let happy things make you happy. Don’t shrug off always those time of bitterness that come and sadness that come, A
ND YOUR HEART IS STRUCK LIKE A BULLET AND HITS IT?! I’m not saying give into it. I’m saying let is affect you, because that’s he part of the drama. The old prophet says “ There is a time to laugh and there is a time to cry. And then says : Be so sophisticated that you learn the laugh who those that laugh and also learn the cry who those that cry. Allow yourself to be touched, moved by the drama, good ideas, opportunity, by
someone unique little sentence that might cause you to open you eyes that you never saw before.
#3 Develop the ability to REFLECT. The good time to reflect is when the day is over.
"How did it go?"
"Who did you see, and what did you sayin’?"
"What mistakes did you make?"
"And what did you leave out that you could correct tomorrow?"
Reflect at the end of the months, 30 days that when you usually do the accounting for your business, and the company, and corporation. Do the accounting for your health, if you want to lose weight, how many pounds that you’ve lost? Just do the good reflective accounting.
Talk about THE VALUES OF THE SEVENTH DAY. Here is another thought to consider about the values of the seventh day, it says : LABOUR THE SIX. And the seventh is the special day, rest, relax, spiritual, church, family, friendships. So for the seventh day : MULTIPURPOSE SEVENTH DAY after six day of work. And here is one of the purpose of the seventh day (I think) : It is to review the previous six days.
"How did it go?"
"Where did you stumbled?"
"What did you miss?"
"What should you have thought off that you let passed?"
"Who didn’t you see?"
Just review the last six days.
"What went right?"
"What went wrong?"
"What’s there?"
"What’s missing?"
Then here is you must do : NOW PLAN THE NEXT SIX DAYS. With this information of the last six plan the next six, multi purpose the seventh day. Reflect, go back over, than design, plan, refine and deposit the experience of the past six days into the adventure and activity of the next six days. You will be absolutely surprise at the value and the productivity of your weeks if you start doing a little more of that.

Now the third :
Mental. Your mind, exercises of the mind, built your own library. The books that can see you through, give the idea necessary, to build a good career, to build a strong enterprise, relationships, good health and all of the rest.
THE BOOK YOU DON’T READ WON’T HELP !And here is part of the exercise of the mind :
A GOOD DEBATE. Political debate maybe. We don’t believe in the one party system, especially here in Indonesia. And the way to make the idea powerful that is to
So it’ll fit your situations. So when you finish read the stuff I write, debate all these ideas, discard some that do not make sense. Give consideration to some do make sense. Put some on the shelf for later consideration. And then put some of them into action that make sense.
MAKE SURE WHAT YOU DO IS THE PRODUCT OF YOUR CONSCLUSION. Do that soughtful study. One book in health nutrition says : Do this you will forever. The second book says :
If you do what that first book says you’ll die young! So what you do?!
Which book should you follow?! And I studied and this answer I've got is :
NEITHER ONE !!!Read both books and make up your own mind. You engage in the debate, what make sense, what seems to be or not to be.
IT SEEMS LIKE.. That’s closes all of us can get. We can’t
say IT IS !! None of us can’t do that. We can say : “It seems like…. opposites are in conflict and we’re in the middle.” Our experience’s proved and the story teller says : “It’s started early.” God is interested in high drama. That’s about the best we can conclude. We can’t actually state the truth, except what it’s SEEMS LIKE. But engage the soughtful study and vigours debate. Sometimes you can debate with others and share ideas.
Maybe you will say :
"What is Mr. Amru, the witer mean by this?"
"Well I’m not sure that’s important to our life?"
"Maybe someone else says : No, I think it is."
Engage in this debate.
And here is the big one. THE DEBATE IN YOUR MIND. What’s good and not good. Finally you must come to your own conclusions. Read the best you can, study the best you can, take the best quote and note you can, and do this : THEN YOU DECIDE out of all of that which is valuable enough to try, maybe to do, and add the dimensions of your life that already on their way.
Here the last part, DON’T BE AFRAID TO DEBATE. Communism taught……
(some people says : Ahh, don’t tell people what communism taught..)
Why not? That’s the part of the debate. The bible served us as a good book. Giving you stories on the both sides of the ledger. Here is the story of someone to admire, and here the story of someone to despise! You need both stories to help you with this debate.

And the second part is
Spiritual. Whatever you believe in spiritual, I believe human are unique creation. If you are a believer :
STUDY - PRACTICE and - TEACH your believe in spirituality.
Don’t leave
your spiritual conclusions on researched, studied, and don’t leave it on practiced, and whatever you do, don’t leave it on taught.

Personal Development involved three parts.
First part is
Physical, take care of yourself. It is one thing to be fanatic about, your health.
The Bible describes it this way : TREAT YOUR BODY LIKE A TEMPLE. What a good word ! Treat your body like a temple, NOT A WOOD SHEET ! A temple ! Something you take extremely good care of.
Here is one of the reasons why.
"THE BODY AND THE MIND WORK TOGETHER"The body is a physical support system so the the mind can dream the dreams, and the heart can believe it possible and then go to work and make it happen. And for that you need a
GOOD physical support system to manage all of that. One old prophet said :
Sometimes the spirit is willing but the body is weak ! See
don’t fall into that.
You wake up in the morning and the mind says : LET GO GET THEM !
But the body says : I can’t even get up bed. Hey body : This is the last time you tell me you can not get up the bed, I’ll throw you on the floor and make you do push up until you out of breath. I’ll make you read every book that has been ever written on good health. I’ll choke vitamins down until your face turn blue ! This the last time you say you’re not gonna vigoursly support my dream comes true."
You’re just got to take action now on the stuff here of the physical support system you need to pull off your dream and your promise and your future. Some people don’t do well just because they don’t feel well. It’s not that they haven’t got the skills, it’s not that they don’t have all the rest. THEY DON’T HAVE THE VITALITY !
Some people feed their animal (bird, dog, cat??) better than he/she feed him/herself !
Some part related to physical is : Appearance. Never had a second chance to make a first impression. Comes from ancient script says “God looks from the inside and people look from the outside.” Isn’t that good information? Now you say : People shouldn’t judge you by the way you look. Well let me give you a clue : THEY DO ! But they will first gonna take a look.
Make sure the outside is the major reflection what’s going on in the inside.