#14 Demand integrity from yourself. You can’t demand integrity from someone else. Integrity is like loyalty. You can only demand of yourself. Be the best example of loyalty, and you’ll get some loyal followers. Be the best example of integrity, and you’ll have people surround you that have integrity. Lead the way.
#15 Welcome the disciplines. Can’t give you much better
advice that that because discipline create the reality, build bridges, build cities, a well disciple, activity creates abundances, uniqueness, productivity.
#16 Fight for what’s right. It’s a fight we’re in! The story teller says, “And there’s was great war in heaven.” Wow!! You mean way back there? YES ! One of third the angel conspired, and I ask my friends, “How long do you supposed took the third of this angels to get together, did they conduct meetings?” My friends said, “The story teller doesn’t say.”
I said, “Then we’re supposed to use our imagination.” I don’t know. It does say FINALLY, the great war occurred. And the two third prevailed and one third lost.

One of the writer said, “I FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT.” I fought for my family, and what’s right, I fought for my good health, I fought to protect my company, I fought for a good carrier that would bless my family. It is good to fight. Opposite are in conflict and we’re in the middle, and if you want something valuable, you got to fight for it.
Then this writer also said, “Not only have I fought a good fight (and I’ll finish with this, and I got a much longer list , but maybe I can cover this at another time), he continued, “AND I KEPT THE FAITH."
Keep faith for with family, fight like crazy and keep faith. Fight the enemy and keep faith. Fight illness and keep faith. Fight the evil and keep faith.

Here's the next one :
#8 Ask For WisdomThis is communication of the highest source. Ask for wisdom that creates answers, faith to believe, things that are possible. In King Salomon's day there was the dilemma of two mothers who claimed the same baby.
And the question was : "Who's baby is this??!"
This mother said, "It's mine."
The other mothersaid, "No, It's mine."
Salomon said, "Bring me the baby!"
They brought in the baby and he raised his sword and said, "I'm gonna cut this baby an half, and give one half to this mother, and one half to this mother". And as he raised his sword, sobbingly, the real mother said, "NO..NO..NO!! Don't cut the baby in half, give it her" (who was not the real mother).
Salomon said, "Now I know who's the real mother." See that's so wise. And the moment was such as drama. But Salomon, the wisest of the wise knew what to do to settle the deal. Ask for wisdom to deal with the challenges of today and tomorrow, maybe the challenges your family brings you.

#9 Conserve Your Time.
I must learn to do this. How much time have I got left? Not an unlimited supply. Sometimes we get fake out. Bill Bailey (and the average person) said, "I got twenty more years." NO! Bill said, "You got twenty more times." If you go fishing once a year, you've only got twenty more times to go fishing, NOT TWENTY YEARS! That fakes you out. "I got twenty years" NO! Twenty times. See, that brings it right down to the real stuff.
How many blog's like this? NOT A THOUSAND ! A FEW! JUST A FEW!
If you're a person of some dignity and quality, you won't let that happen.
#10 Invest Your Profit
I'll gonna write about this before finishing my writing on financial independence. PROFIT ARE BETTER THAN WAGES. WAGES MAKE YOU A LIVING, PROFIT MAKES YOU A FORTUNE.
"Could we start earning profit while we're making a living?" --> The answer is YES ! I went BERSERK !!!!!!!
#11 Protect Your Family
Hmm, these are trouble sometimes, not that they haven't been trouble sometimes for six thousand years. At school : Trouble sometimes. I know a wonderful mother and a wonderful father who had two boys. In school, they went to different directions. And one become a model citizen, and the other one went to jail. WOW ! Protect your family as best as you can, from the hidden, dangerous, the looking evil one.
#12 Live With Intensity
Hmm, WHY NOT !? Invest more of you and whatever you do. Be a little stronger, wiser, step up you vitality, contribution. Put everything you've got into everything you do and ask for more vitality and more strength and more vigor, more heart, more soul.
#13 Find You Place
This one now is so important. If you're just work on the job, FIND THE BEST PLACE WHERE YOU CAN SERVE WELL. And sure enough, they'll ask you to occupy a better place. And if you keep doing the job well (and I remember guy said said, "Well, If I had a better job, I'd really poured on, but I got these lousy job, so I just go forth") See that's the philosophy of disaster.
So you got a lousy job, DO THE VERY BEST YOU CAN, LET YOUR BEST WAY OUT! It's not to do less than you could, but to do the best you can. With that philosophy, your life can take great leaps forward.
Here's the bible phrase that says, "IF YOU WORK ON ON YOUR GIFTS, THEY WILL MAKE A ROOM FOR YOU."
Hi I’m back again. By the way, I’m now finishing my final project, writing on my thesis about online customer satisfaction. So, what do I waiting for? :-) Now some challenges for you.
Here they are :
#1 REVIEW YOUR PERFORMANCE, whether it’s your communication, or whether it’s your activity, or CEO or on the job.
ALWAYS DO MORE THAN YOU GET PAID FOR TO MAKE AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE. Later, I read that some unions were argued with this statement, I don’t know.
If it’s raining you can’t fix the roof. If it isn’t raining, it doesn’t need to be fixed! HaHa.. So review you performance, your language with your friend, maybe your children, or your spouse, or you next spouse : just go over that and say, “Hey, I’ve been too harsh and too strong, too stubborn, should I learn to be easier mix more compassion with the though stuff I’ve to deal with? YES !
You know, PRAYER would help sometimes, if nothing else : “Dear GOD, HELP ME !” Say the right thing not to ruin it all by poor communication.

#2 FACE YOUR FEARS. You know, I don’t know what challenges you might have and goin over the stuff I’be wrote here in terms of amending you philosophy are going back, and re-doing some stuff that you might have messed up. Face all your fears, that’s how conquered them. Don’t dismiss them, just face them. Here’s what I’m afraid of, “I wonder what I could do to change that ??”
#3 EXERCISE YOUR WILL POWER. Maybe to change direction. You don’t have to keep doin which you’ve done the last week, or a month or a year or the last six years that’s not yielding you the benefit you on. My mentor (actually I have many mentor), help me to review the last 2 years so that I wouldn’t repeat those error the next two. So if you’re a goose, you have no choice to do the next two like you did the last two. But if you’re not a goose, here’s which you can do : "PICK A NEW DESTINATION AND START GOING THAT WAY!” You said : “I’ve done this for the last two years, I’ll probably have to do it in another two.”
Now you can change one little degree at the time or if you want to, you can revolutionized the whole thing!! Who says you couldn’t revolutionized the whole the whole thing in a weeks time, and start a brand new direction that will more assuredly help you arrive in a brand new place one year or three years from now??!
NO! No telling five years from now where you could arrive. Use your will power to start the process. Just will power to change a little or change a lot, ANYBODY CAN CHANGE. You don’t have to repeat last year. Clean up the errors, invest it now in the next year what that can make the different.
#4. Here is the next one that’s important (parents have to do it, your spouse, friends), we’ve got to do it. ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES. Sometimes you have admit it to others. Here’s one of the best words in English : I’M SORRY. The reason why that those are good words cause it’s could start the whole new relationships, it could start two people goin' in a whole new direction. SIMPLE EASY (not that easy sometimes) but if you get this done, the turn around can be dramatic, the early years can be big in pay off.

#5 And here’s the big one. ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES TO YOUR SELF. You don’t have to battle about them to everybody in the neighborhood. But it doesn’t hurt to sit down and have conversation with yourself and say, “THERE’S NO USE KIDDING MY SELF, HERE’S WHERE I REALLY AM, I’VE GOT PENNYS IN MY POCKET AND I GOT NOTHING IN THE BANK.” That’s what I said when I finish my bachelor graduate and nothing to do, no job and no money. I had a conversation with my self.
#6 Next, REFINE YOUR GOALS. I don’t know what ambition you’ve had up until now, but I think this end of 2007 would be a good time to start the process. I’ll write about that GOALS WORKSHOP before I will finish the topic here, maybe that will help to stimulate you to set some higher goals, reach for some higher purpose, go for something beyond what you thought you could do, and you might double, triple, quadruple, the amount of goals, purpose all the things you think you can accomplish, you could multiply that by TEN by the time I will finish here (in the next day I will write it)
#7 Here’s the next one, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Yes you got to believe in GOD and community and possibility, and the economy, and tomorrow can be better than today. But here’s the big one : Believe in yourself. There isn’t the skill you can’t learn, there isn’t the discipline you can’t try, there isn’t the class you couldn’t take, there isn’t the book you couldn’t read. If it’s written in some other language, just get it translated, and read it!
You must be careful with power. A father must be careful with power, so that his children doesn’t live in s shadow. A father must restrain to be a
good father, restrain… Yes he could, yes he’s capable… but he must restrain. That’s the civilized society.
The more powerful you are the more careful you have to be.
Hey, the elephant must be careful where he steps. You say, “Well, but this is a big.. big.. happy friendly elephant" (YES BUT THE MOUSE IS DEAD! HE DIDN’T SEE HIM)
He just went walkin’ (AND NOW THE POOR MOUSE IS GONE !) He didn’t mean to, but he is so BIG. That he has to be careful where he steps. I believe that you’re the powerful people and I’m asking you to be careful where you step and be careful what you say, and be careful what you write, be careful in conversation (why is it careful?). Strong but easy, and good communication belongs to you.
Here is the next : THE MORE YOU CARE THE STRONGER YOU CAN BE. Even children will allow you to really get in their case, if they know you really care. If there’s no doubt about your sincerity, your heart that breaks, when you have to cover something unpleasant, there’s no doubt about that, and the more you care, the stronger you can be. And if you gonna be strong, you have to care.
That’s some conversation that you have with your spouse or children or your friend that don’t make sense if you don’t cry, if the tears don’t flow, these conversation doesn’t make sense. This is just belligerent.
I don’t mind a minister consigning my soul to hell fire for my sinful way, as long as he does it with tear and not with joy! If you’re gonna preach sermon on hell fire, wouldn’t you have to sob and cry?? If you’re gonna preach hell fire, you have to sob and cry ! If dry eye, you preach hell fire, everybody dismiss it as a performance.
Unless you’re heart breaks, the tears flow, you can’t preach hell fire for an individual, doesn’t make sense, we dismiss it as ego. But if you’re heart breaks and the tears flow, you can cover some of pretty heavy weight stuff, and be so effective.

Continued . . .
Now parents
(maybe you will be the next parent, I will be too), let me write here about
cruel and unusual punishment. You must be gifted in thinking of ways. Now sometimes severity is needed but only as a last . . . last . . . last . . . resort.
John Kennedy’s father (Old Jo) said this to John
(and it’ll serve in so many way and you’ll see when I give it to you) : “IF IT’S NOT NECCESARY TO CHANGE, IT’S NECESSARY NOT TO CHANGE”. If it’s not absolutely necessary to scold, then it’s necessary no to scold. If it’s not absolutely necessary not to use sarcasm, then it’s necessary, in all of you’re the rest of your speech, not to use sarcasm.
A mother who scream all day at her children, finally the kid get used to. Mom just scream all day, kids come over to visit, and say, “Don’t mind, Mama, she just the screamer, I mean she just scream all day, everything, scream all day." So the kids are used to it. But now comes the big problem when the three old year child is headed for the street and the truck is coming and mama scream. NOBODY PAYS IN ATTENTION! Mama should save up her screams, so that the day she does and it becomes a necessary of the tool of last resort, the day she scream THE WORLD STOPS ! Wow ! See that’s the key.
“IF IT’S NOT NECCESARY TO LOSE TEMPER (now sometimes it is!), IT’S NECESSARY NOT TO LOSE YOU TEMPER”. Just hang on to that emotion explosion. Yes you can explode all over somebody, but only as a last resort of it’s called for, but not all the time. All of us have to contained ourselves. Here’s the first law of the civilized society : THE RESTRAIN OF POWER AND RESTRAIN OF THE EVIL SIDE OF OUR NATURE. When a little three old boy hit another three old boy over the head, if he’s not restrain, he will do it again! And if he’s not further restrain, he’d probably enjoy it. And we have the beginning of un-civilized person.
The first mark of civilization to be a civilized society is the restrain of your emotion, the restrain of your words, the restrain of your power. That’s the beginning of the civilized society. And so it is in civilized language, communication. The restrain of being so powerful you blow somebody away or make the situation so impossible that’ll never be cure. Effective but careful, easy but powerful.
Speaking of Jesus one more time (it’s so easy to use the Bible as almost an exclusive source of stories and illustrations). The records tells according to the story tellers, the record tells us that Jesus in three and half years of HIS ministries only lost his cool just a few times, NOT A FEW TIMES A DAY ! NO ! Just a few times in three and a half years. See . . . that’s the key. But when he did, BEWARE. Just one scene where HE grove them out temple, kick over the money changer’s table, scream like a camachi, grab the whip and drove them all out the place until the place was empty!
Everybody said, “Get out of here . . . HE’s on the rampage . . . !” Have you got it? Make it on your note : NOT EVERY DAY !!! So I’m asking you, OK? The restrain the power, yes you can use, yes you can empty the place, but see only as of a tools of last resort, whether it’s the community, or the company or the person or child, right? The restrain of power.
Next . . .An interesting subject now in rapping up communication, call
TOOLS OF LAST RESORT. Here’s my language something you can use, that
can be highly effective but we call it tools of last resort, not to be used in less of like no hope left, there is the only last chance, there’s no other possible way, the you reach in your bag of tools for the tools of last resort.
You, instead using yourself as an example, using third party as an example, you go right after somebody, it’s call a direct attack on the problem, that’s mixed in with the person, and you’re trying to be delicate and careful but they need to hear it direct. That you got to be very careful of. Use every any other means possible first before you go for the direct attack. Third party, use yourself, every illustration you can think off, but finally, that doesn’t do it, finally, you maybe to say YOU ! But you now must do it very carefully, and only as a tool of last resort
Sarcasm is a useful communication tool, but you must be careful how you use it. Sarcasm says, “Who do you think you are??!.” As the GOD say to Joe (John I mean), and he’s complaining. And GOD gave Joe a unbelievable lessons and HE said,
“Where were you when I put the world and places?!” “Where were you when I flunk the stars into the heaven?!” “Where were you? Hiding on the bush?!”
I mean, this is sort of an eagle trick for GOD working in Joe. A bit of sarcasm. But the time it comes, and Joe need to hear it, there’s no other re-course but to right after. Sure enough it turns around. Someone walks and late and you say, “Where have you been??!!!” (especially if it’s in a symbol group). You got to be very careful to things like that. That’s loaded.., with you don’t care..? Especially exposing something in an audience of people. Best to do those kind of thing private, get someone of the side and say, “Hey, late one more time, and I’m telling you, you won’t be welcome here anymore.” See you can jump the gun in somebody’s head with sarcasm. Tools of ..LAST RESORT, when there is no hope left and there’s only way.
You have to be very careful of scolding. Scolding sometimes as a last resort is very necessary, but you must be very careful. Scolding someone is like giving him a CUT, with your word like on the hand. Maybe it serves the purpose and the cut will heal, and everything will be OK, you need to get their attention. But you must not do it every day, all the time.
Some children wind up with this physic scars because they’ve been slash and cut every day, scold . . . slash . . .cut . . . every day ! And the wind up, psychology disadvantage. Because of this kind of treatment, somebody who has the words. Words that are cruel, but they use too often and too often all the time, rather than saving it up for the tool of last resort, they just cut and slash all the time, and kid sometimes has a hard time working out of this problem, because of that kind these atmosphere.
Too severe we say too severe. In some country if you steal, they cut off your hand! That’s a bit too severe, isn’t it? Maybe it little piece of the finger, not the whole hand ! Hahaha. But guess what they say, it’s very effective. Say, “Did you ever steal anything else?” He answer, “What, are you kidding, with just one hand?! NO! So it’s effective, but we would say what? To severe.
What will we say with someone now that has been convicted, they must not suffer cruel and unusual punishment, hopefully would continually to be a country that doesn’t have a minister cruel and unusual punishment.

Next is on become a good persuader :
#2 BORROWING SAYING IT WELL FROM SOMEONE ELSE, like the lyrics of the song of somebody’s written something that so gifted in terms of it’s meaning and impact as might you will use it.
I write early about Zig Ziglar. Zig said that
“If you help enough people to get what they want . . .”I didn’t say that, I borrow it. Zig said that, I borrow it. It’s effective as Zig said it.I borrow the lyrics from songs, the messages of someone else. To some people have said that so well, you couldn’t have thought that in a million years.
Winston Churchil said,
"The truth is inconvertible Mallace may attack it, and ignorance may de-right it ;
But in the end, there it is."
See you can stay all night and think of that :-) So why not be a good student of good ideas, a good student of things well said, just borrow.. borrow, use.. use.
Here is the next one : #3 STRAIGHT TALK, TELL IT LIKE IT IS. I’m sure these days everybody ready to accept this, no nonsense, tell it like it is, straight talk. This is not a belligerent talk now, this is just straight talk, no nonsense, this is a how it really is, there is no sugar coding it, or glamorize it.
Some people are in the affirmation glamorize something, but we don’t need that. “Every day and every way I getting better and better.” What if that is not the truth???! Would you keep saying it and saying it??!
Here’s the best affirmation (THE TRUTH) : “I’m working of discipline every day that’s making me better and better.” See now that affirmation is the truth (if that’s the truth). Straight talk.
Plenty is possible without being foolish.
And probably within a few weeks maybe in a few months, the early return will keep you on this track forever and the fortune belongs to you. And the answer is WHY NOT? The quicker you turn it around the quicker the abundance belongs to you and the closer your fortune comes and then you’ll have the health, breath and the vitality to do extraordinary things if you start a new health program today.
So you’ve messed up in the past, that’s the truth. The truth also is today can be a brand new day, pick a new destination. The truth is revealing and inspiring, that’s why we use it, that’s why we don’t use some tricky other stuff . The truth alone is enough, it sets you free.
One : To correct old errors
Two : To set up easy discipline that changes everything. 
Here’s what’s next : #4 LEARN TO DEAL IN CHALLENGES.
That’s all sports and music all about. To play so well someone inspired, the challenges to say it well someone gets it, the challenges to be so gifted in language that somebody sees it. It’s unbelievable.
Only human being can do this, “Close your eyes.” The man close his hand over his eyes and says, “I see it . . I see it.” NO..! “You got your eyes closed” NO ! There’s more that one way to see. And also somebody has to do a see an answer that he can start it immediately, and within the six month, their whole life will start to multiply and change, within one year, the different will be extraordinary, and the person who was lost, now become the person of influence, just because somebody help them to see for the moment, what was wrong, and the possibility to change it. And then the challenge to go do it and do it well.
Now here’s the best challenge of all : #5 LET’S GO DO IT.
Not only say you go do it, you go do it. LET’S GET HEALTY, LET’S CHANGE THE WORLD, LET’S BUILD AN ENTERPRISE, LET’S WORK ON THIS TOGETHER. See I always respond to this. Sometimes it’s hard to leave yourself out, it’s hard to self inspired first. If somebody said, “C’mon, let’s start a new program.”
“C’mon, let’s do an exercises.”
“C’mon, let’s get healthy.”
“C’mon, let’s start something.” That is so inspiring to have somebody said LET’S.
There’s something about that can keep you wake at night, that turns on the juices, that reaches deep in the soul, for a person that can do extraordinary things when somebody said LET’S.. LET’S “I’ve got two with me already, if you’ll be the next, we can conquer the world !!” (WOW !!) “Together nobody match for us, by yourself, you’re vulnerable, with us, nobody match !!” (WOW !!) So figure out ways to say LET’S . . . LET’S . . .

Make these lists to become a good persuader of people to change their ways, people to change or to grow, or even persuading someone to buy or to participate. In the art of persuasion, here is the deal :
In the way to become a good story teller is to gather up stories or testimonials. Here is one I’m asking you to do : Learn some of those stories of people who started nothing, people who started behind and made it work, people who had no money but had courage. If you got enough courage, you don’t need much money, that’s all you need, is a little seed or something, a chance. You don’t need a promise or a guarantee !!
If you talk to teenager, just gather some of the teenager stories :
Teenagers who are in trouble, now set free. Teenagers who couldn’t find their way, now they know the way. Teenagers who couldn’t communicate, now they can communicate. Teenagers who were lost, now they’re found. Teenagers who help themselves, now they can help others. Just learn some of these teenage stories, there’s plenty around.
Jesus was one of the great story teller, to use HIM one more time. HE had this gift :
HE said, “The Kingdom of heaven is like . . .” He didn’t say, “The Kingdom of heaven was . . . and then try to describe it in some abstract terms.
“It’s like A FAMILY”
“It’s like YOU AND ME”
“It’s like US”
See we can understand that. Something abstract? We couldn’t understand that! But HE said It’s like . . . (and tell a story) What a gift??! See that’s being gifted, practicing the craft so well that you can do that.

Here’s one of the best ways to inspire someone else :
HELP THEM TO SEE THEMSELVES BETTER THAN THEY ARE. Sometimes we have to help people see themselves as they are. If your friend or your child or your spouse messed up, you got to say, “Hey, you have messed up!” But here’s the next clue, buddy :
DON’T LEAVE THEM IN THE MESS!! So they’ve messed up, how quickly could they turn it around?
Almost overnight! What could be the promise of the future if they start walking a new road? Absolutely colossal and unbelievable. So we quickly go from saying, “Yes you’ve messed up, no doubt about that." But here’s how quickly you can recover, multiply the future in a positive way versus negative way that brought you to this poor place.” See the gift of language can do the most incredible things with the human beings, rescue and send them into the future with the a picture of the promise, the possibilities. Don’t be lazy in exercising this gifts.
Someone say, “How good we do at it?” As good you possibly can.
Someone say, “This is only a child?” What a better place to start, correcting a few errors and building the promise of the future. We can’t say it’s only a child This could be the next superstar. This could be the next superstar. This could be the next person of high productivity that start enterprises that employees . . . millions !
Jesus use it as an incredible incentive. He said to HIS little group, “We’re gonna have a tough time and a bit of misunderstood. This is a new things we got going here. Some people are gonna like it and some people are not gonna like it and you know the devils are after us and all of the rest of this stuff that start this drama way back in the beginning for the beginning since it hasn’t change. But we got such as a splendid idea, it worth working, I’ve been with you know three and half years, and here’s the deal. Let’s now tell the story to someone else."
They said OK!
So they start telling the story, sure enough, they run into challenges, the devils do their work! And I’m sure, Jesus said to them, “If we do the work well, I promise you when all of this is finished, in MY Father’s house are many mansions. See that’s clever !!
No wonder they walk the street and told the story, fought the devils and fought the oppositions. No wonder ! But I’m sure the came back to Jesus every once in a while and said, “WOULD YOU TELL US THE MANSIONS ONE MORE TIME? WE HAD A REALLY TOUGH DAY!” HaHaHa…
So you got to do this with your children, spouse maybe or friends. You got to dazzle them. Take dazzling lessons. So that you can give them the promise of the future. They’ll do extraordinary things, if they can see. If they can see, they’ll take little steps maybe GIANT STEPS!

Here’s another part of communication : That is
SOLUTIONS. Solutions usely involved by communication
being able to take somebody from the present. For sometimes we take someone back to review their mistakes. Sometimes first to help someone we take the back and examine the errors that brought them to a poor place. Error in (
health, career, personal) judgment. So sometimes
we have to take someone back and sometime it’s difficult to go back over those time that were difficult.
Then here’s the next challenge, BRING THEM TO THE PRESENT. Here’s how it is now. Guess what NOW always is : “THE GREATEST OF HOPE AND THE GREATEST OF POSSIBILITY.” If you begin NOW to amend those error in judgment, to construct the new destination and their by a new direction, because direction determine destination.
If you reconstruct NOW, starting NOW, so we give them the sense of the past, errors that might bring tears, sadness, cloud for a while. Wow! Yes that’s how it was, yes that’s where I made my mistake. But here NOW : “NOW IS LIKE SPRING, A NEW OPPRTUNITY.” And then we describe the NOW in the opportunity.
But here what’s best IS TO BE ABLE TO TRANSPORT SOMEONE INTO THE FUTURE, with their problem solved, with money in the bank, with their health restored. You can’t restore your health overnight. So you got to take someone into the future, in just a few months you’ll know the difference, in the first year, it’ll be incredible, by the end of the third year, I PROMISE SUCH AN ABUNDANCE of this, this, and this change to this change, this kind of productivity, activity.
Take somebody on the journey back, show them the present (called opportunity) and take them to the journey into the future. And here’s how it can be, here’s how it going to be. THE PROMISE OF THE FUTURE IS AN AWSOME FORCE. In the future problem can be solved, fortune can be won, productivity can be incredible. So be able to paint the past and present and the future. This is one of the most awesome challenges of the communication.
Yesterday Oct 30, 2007 I saw the Google Page Rank is at 2. What an improvement huh? Now, let me give you a couple of clues now about the
ants philosophy.Here #1 : ANTS NEVER QUIT. If they’re going somewhere and you stop them or block their pathway, they’ll look for another way up down and all round. How long will they keep lookin’?
Till they find another way or until they die ! See that’s good philosophy.
That’s why ants appear to be in a hurry all summer. “Go . . Go . . Go . . Go . .”Why? “Winter . . Winter . . Winter . . Hurry . . Hurry . . Hurry . The time is running out . . Get the food, bring it back, winter’s almost here.” See that’s good philosophy. So we’ve got that notes now. Be like the ants. Think winter in the summer. Don’t think summer in the summer and get faked out, “look how lovely and look how nice” - see that’s getting fake out. Ants don’t do that.
In the winter you got say, “We won’t be in here long, we will soon be out of here, we’ll be out there working and gathering more food and providing for the future. This winter won’t last long, We’ll soon be out of here.” So the key is to think summer in the winter and, think winter in the summer. Now some of people need help on this, you got to learn how to put it the such away, and giving them the ants philosophy stories on of the best, think winter in the summer and then think summer in the winter.
Think negative when it’s positive, and then think positive when it’s negative.
ISN’T THAT A CHALLEENGE ? Yes, but that’s the life, that’s the deal. How often does winter follow fall? EVERY YEAR! Here’s the essence of life : OPPRTUNITY MIX WITH DIFFICULTY. That’s about as simple as you can put it from the beginning. So that’s not gonna change, the winter will gonna come.

But here’s what we all we need to be advice : Think winter in the summer, think opportunity in the winter. And here’s the deal : SOMETIMES THERE SEEM TO BE MORE DIFFICULTY THAN OPPORTUNITY. It does ! Then it turns ! And then there’s more opportunity than difficulty. And the key is to take advantage when liberty comes, in excess when liberty comes in a great amounts, take advantage build the city, the economy, everything.

Here’s the next one in communication, that is
Attacking the problem without attacking the person. Here’s where language must be careful when you dealing with challenges of this nature. Sometimes you got to put love and hate in the same sentences so that
there’s no misunderstanding.
God said, “ I love you but I hate your sinful ways.” Maybe God hates me?? NO. NO. NO. Let me make it clear one more time. I love you but I hate your sinful ways. Sometimes parent have got to do it. Put love and hate in the same sentences. “I love you, but I hate what’s happening” “I love you, but I hate the direction you’ve chosen” “I love you, but I hate the situation you’ve got into”
Kids need to know what you love and what you hate. Because it takes both! The old prophet said, “We must love good and hate evil.”
The evil that will destroy us, the mistakes, the miscalculation that would ruin out our reputation and leave us helpless, what good benefits somebody brings to us to help point out some of the even very sensitive things to go after the problem but hopefully they go after the problem, but they have the sincere desire to truly help.
Sometimes you can get careless in language, and you mean to help but you said it wrong.
What if you meant to say,
“What’s troubling you?" And instead you said,
“What wrong with you?”
See that’s an error in language, that can cost all kind of difficulty ! Now we’ll let you make that mistake three years ago, but three years later, to be making the same error in language?? See, we need to understand that we need learn SAY IT BETTER so that it set up a better chance for communication, and talk something constructive and not come out with something wrong.
Saying it wrong? Correct all those error in verbal judgment. Here’s a good way to go after the problem : Go after the problem that you had. I call this THIRD PARTY. I thought this then it turn to be this. I made a mistakes and misunderstood, sure enough I’m had down the wrong road, about the next week and month later, I’m in serious trouble! I finally work my way out but I’m telling you can save yourself that kind calamity, with a couple words of advice.
Use yourself as part of the problem, say :
“I was the problem at one time.” “I give people grief when I should give them thanks, and it create me no value .”
Then here’s another way : Third Party. “I know someone, who miscalculated and if they were here, here’s what they would say :
Remember that movie a long years ago : Scared_Straight ? They took some kids into prison and let them interview and talk to the prisoner and the prisoner said, “You don’t want to come here, Let me take you on a tour and show you what it is like.” And the kids came out the prison with eyes about big saying WOW!! The man said that I shouldn’t come here. See that’s kind of advice, straight talk can be so helpful if it is done in the right manner and the right way.
In building the house on the rock instead of the sand, how do you decide to build on the rock? You have somebody give you the image that they build on the sand and the suffered the disaster of the storm, because sometime when the day is unique and the sky is blue, and cloud is fleecy and white, it’s easy to be fake out and build it on the sand. There doesn’t seem to be an immediate consequences !
Somebody says, “The Storm ! The Storm !” And if you never had one of those storms, and you said What Storms ??” So let me tell you about this storm, and then you need someone to scare you to death about the potential of the upcoming storm so then you don’t make the mistake and be deluded when the days are nice to build your house on the sand.

Here is one of the challenge :
Learning to identify with whoever whom you talking to, whether it is a group or individuals. Identification simply mean
Build the Bridge Between you and someone else so that the conversation flows easy so that you try to do your best to understand where each other coming from. Identification means start with something real. If you married and have a family and you talk to someone whose married and has a family, that’s
an easy identification.

What’s about get to be more complicated is I am Man and (maybe) You are Woman ! Expectation, demands, and all of that. It’s the challenge. So make this note : If two or three agree on a common purpose, nothing is impossible. That’s a good communication challenge. Could we identify the common purpose, common reason and get together and blend our resources together, my time and your friends / spouse time?
That might be extraordinary time ! One plus one doesn’t equal two. One plus one could equal ten, the power of ten (in terms of potential power in blending talent and skills and purpose) could multiply the power not by two but by ten. That’s way an extraordinary partnerships can produce some of the most colossal productivity and activity in business structure an all kind of unique things. Doesn’t take that many.
JESUS ONLY HAD TWELVE ! So it doesn’t take two thousand. If a few say, "Let’s Conquer The World! We can do something extraordinary, your talent plus mine maybe another one or two." See just a few with a common purpose, interest and power. But the whole key is you start the potential by building a bridge of understanding each other, identification.
If the adult is 40 and the child is 12, see that a heck of bridge to build between 40 and 12. How you identify it? Remember when you’re are 12, and talk about that. One of the promise of being twelve that you’re not 13 !
This is call IDENTIFICATION : Finding some common ground in which to communicate.
An Ideas never dies. It goes and goes. Revised? Yes! Refined? Yes! Altered? Of Course! Amplified? Of Course! Make better? No Doubt! Here’s a good thought on TIME
: “Life is not just the passing of time.”
Life is a collection of experiences, their intensity and their frequency. If that’s the definition of life, then it’s possible for people to live several life times in one. So the key is to see how many experiences as you can pack into the next month, next years maybe, their by live more than one life time in one. Yes you can live it the ordinary live, BUT WHY NOT THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE !?
Even Jesus Christ said, “Here is the purpose why I came, that you might have life, REDEMPTIVE LIFE. Then He added : LIFE EXTRAORDINAERE. Pretty simple and easy to present. Both them. It’s possible to design and live an extraordinary life. And if we do, maybe we can hear God say : “Hey, well done. This is the reason for it all (to live an extraordinary life).”

Intensity is the emotional part communication. Communication is both words and emotion. Here is what’s really powerful :
WORDS LOADED WITH EMOTION. See that what’s unbelievably
It can move nations. It can help people change directions. It can establish an ideology, for good or for bad.
Look at Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, at his ability to preach. As wrong as they were, they believe it with all their heart. Disasters result. But they put everything they had into it, the emotional content was unbelievable, powerful. Yes it is an evil direction, but it can also be used in the GOOD DIRECTION. This intensity, strength, power, emotion.
Words are like a little straight pin. A You know pin? What if I took one of the straight pin, and throw it to you, and it hit you in the face or in the hand. You feel it. That’s my word that got you. But what if took that little straight pin and wire it to the end of the iron bar, about maybe five minutes. And then I let you have it, see I can drive the pin to your heart. The iron bar is the emotion, the pin is the word. Here is the craft : IN CONVERSATION IS THE CRAFT, DON’T GET LAZY IN LEARNING THIS CRAFT. Because it will serve you so well at home, in the marketplace, in your career and making your fortune. This craft of the communication.
Here is the combination : Well chosen word mix with measured emotion. Not only the word that have to be well chosen, the emotion has to be well measured. Meaning : not too much power for a minor point. The actor on the stage or in the movie, in giving a performance, has to learn this craft, of the right amount of emotion with a dialogs in the words that will be spoken.
It can be so powerful if it is measured well. See if you had a powerful point, and a little bit of emotion, that would make sense. Nobody will get it. Nobody will say : Wow such a powerful point, it’s not a very strong emotion.
So then you can, c’mon, too strong with some minor point. You know sometime kids have a legitimate objection. "You’re making too big deal." And sometimes parents have a tendency to do that. To make a big deal out of a little deal. So here’s the key : Make a big deal out of the big deal, and smaller the emotion content, on a little minor deal. That’s an art, the craft.
When you go fishing, what are they say?
“Don’t pull too hard, you’ll loose the fish.
Don’t give them too much line , they’ll get away."
So it cal PULL PULL PULL - easy . . easy . . easy..
That’s like the communication.
Strong but not too strong.
Close but not too close. (give me a little more room…)
Adjust your style to fit the occasion, and the emotional content so that it works, make sense, that when you burst on the scene it’s called for, the point is called for that much emotion. This is the craft, don’t get lazy here. Why? Because the pay off is so great, whether it’s working on the job, or advancing your career, or at home with your family, or communicating with your spouse.
Whatever it is, craft your communication. Be a little more aware, and just ask your self : COULD I POSSIBLLY GET BETTER AT AFFECTING PEOPLE WITH MY LANGUANGE, WORDS, STYLE, AND MY EMOTIONS AND ALL THE REST. And the answer if YES ! We all could. I could, YOU COULD ! That’s why I’m here, to practice my craft as well I deliver this lecture, and message. To see if I can be better this year than I was last year.