#8 Ask For Wisdom
This is communication of the highest source. Ask for wisdom that creates answers, faith to believe, things that are possible. In King Salomon's day there was the dilemma of two mothers who claimed the same baby.
And the question was : "Who's baby is this??!"
This mother said, "It's mine."
The other mothersaid, "No, It's mine."
Salomon said, "Bring me the baby!"
They brought in the baby and he raised his sword and said, "I'm gonna cut this baby an half, and give one half to this mother, and one half to this mother". And as he raised his sword, sobbingly, the real mother said, "NO..NO..NO!! Don't cut the baby in half, give it her" (who was not the real mother).
Salomon said, "Now I know who's the real mother." See that's so wise. And the moment was such as drama. But Salomon, the wisest of the wise knew what to do to settle the deal. Ask for wisdom to deal with the challenges of today and tomorrow, maybe the challenges your family brings you.

#9 Conserve Your Time.
I must learn to do this. How much time have I got left? Not an unlimited supply. Sometimes we get fake out. Bill Bailey (and the average person) said, "I got twenty more years." NO! Bill said, "You got twenty more times." If you go fishing once a year, you've only got twenty more times to go fishing, NOT TWENTY YEARS! That fakes you out. "I got twenty years" NO! Twenty times. See, that brings it right down to the real stuff.
How many blog's like this? NOT A THOUSAND ! A FEW! JUST A FEW!
If you're a person of some dignity and quality, you won't let that happen.

I'll gonna write about this before finishing my writing on financial independence. PROFIT ARE BETTER THAN WAGES. WAGES MAKE YOU A LIVING, PROFIT MAKES YOU A FORTUNE.
"Could we start earning profit while we're making a living?" --> The answer is YES ! I went BERSERK !!!!!!!
#11 Protect Your Family

Hmm, these are trouble sometimes, not that they haven't been trouble sometimes for six thousand years. At school : Trouble sometimes. I know a wonderful mother and a wonderful father who had two boys. In school, they went to different directions. And one become a model citizen, and the other one went to jail. WOW ! Protect your family as best as you can, from the hidden, dangerous, the looking evil one.
#12 Live With Intensity
Hmm, WHY NOT !? Invest more of you and whatever you do. Be a little stronger, wiser, step up you vitality, contribution. Put everything you've got into everything you do and ask for more vitality and more strength and more vigor, more heart, more soul.

This one now is so important. If you're just work on the job, FIND THE BEST PLACE WHERE YOU CAN SERVE WELL. And sure enough, they'll ask you to occupy a better place. And if you keep doing the job well (and I remember guy said said, "Well, If I had a better job, I'd really poured on, but I got these lousy job, so I just go forth") See that's the philosophy of disaster.
So you got a lousy job, DO THE VERY BEST YOU CAN, LET YOUR BEST WAY OUT! It's not to do less than you could, but to do the best you can. With that philosophy, your life can take great leaps forward.
Here's the bible phrase that says, "IF YOU WORK ON ON YOUR GIFTS, THEY WILL MAKE A ROOM FOR YOU."
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