Now some challenges for you.
Here they are : #1 REVIEW YOUR PERFORMANCE, whether it’s your communication, or whether it’s your activity, or CEO or on the job. ALWAYS DO MORE THAN YOU GET PAID FOR TO MAKE AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE. Later, I read that some unions were argued with this statement, I don’t know.
If it’s raining you can’t fix the roof. If it isn’t raining, it doesn’t need to be fixed! HaHa.. So review you performance, your language with your friend, maybe your children, or your spouse, or you next spouse : just go over that and say, “Hey, I’ve been too harsh and too strong, too stubborn, should I learn to be easier mix more compassion with the though stuff I’ve to deal with? YES !
You know, PRAYER would help sometimes, if nothing else : “Dear GOD, HELP ME !” Say the right thing not to ruin it all by poor communication.

#2 FACE YOUR FEARS. You know, I don’t know what challenges you might have and goin over the stuff I’be wrote here in terms of amending you philosophy are going back, and re-doing some stuff that you might have messed up. Face all your fears, that’s how conquered them. Don’t dismiss them, just face them. Here’s what I’m afraid of, “I wonder what I could do to change that ??”
#3 EXERCISE YOUR WILL POWER. Maybe to change direction. You don’t have to keep doin which you’ve done the last week, or a month or a year or the last six years that’s not yielding you the benefit you on. My mentor (actually I have many mentor), help me to review the last 2 years so that I wouldn’t repeat those error the next two. So if you’re a goose, you have no choice to do the next two like you did the last two. But if you’re not a goose, here’s which you can do : "PICK A NEW DESTINATION AND START GOING THAT WAY!” You said : “I’ve done this for the last two years, I’ll probably have to do it in another two.”

NO! No telling five years from now where you could arrive. Use your will power to start the process. Just will power to change a little or change a lot, ANYBODY CAN CHANGE. You don’t have to repeat last year. Clean up the errors, invest it now in the next year what that can make the different.
#4. Here is the next one that’s important (parents have to do it, your spouse, friends), we’ve got to do it. ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES. Sometimes you have admit it to others. Here’s one of the best words in English : I’M SORRY. The reason why that those are good words cause it’s could start the whole new relationships, it could start two people goin' in a whole new direction. SIMPLE EASY (not that easy sometimes) but if you get this done, the turn around can be dramatic, the early years can be big in pay off.

#5 And here’s the big one. ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES TO YOUR SELF. You don’t have to battle about them to everybody in the neighborhood. But it doesn’t hurt to sit down and have conversation with yourself and say, “THERE’S NO USE KIDDING MY SELF, HERE’S WHERE I REALLY AM, I’VE GOT PENNYS IN MY POCKET AND I GOT NOTHING IN THE BANK.” That’s what I said when I finish my bachelor graduate and nothing to do, no job and no money. I had a conversation with my self.

#7 Here’s the next one, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Yes you got to believe in GOD and community and possibility, and the economy, and tomorrow can be better than today. But here’s the big one : Believe in yourself. There isn’t the skill you can’t learn, there isn’t the discipline you can’t try, there isn’t the class you couldn’t take, there isn’t the book you couldn’t read. If it’s written in some other language, just get it translated, and read it!
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