Continued . . .
Now parents (maybe you will be the next parent, I will be too), let me write here about cruel and unusual punishment. You must be gifted in thinking of ways. Now sometimes severity is needed but only as a last . . . last . . . last . . . resort.
John Kennedy’s father (Old Jo) said this to John (and it’ll serve in so many way and you’ll see when I give it to you) : “IF IT’S NOT NECCESARY TO CHANGE, IT’S NECESSARY NOT TO CHANGE”. If it’s not absolutely necessary to scold, then it’s necessary no to scold. If it’s not absolutely necessary not to use sarcasm, then it’s necessary, in all of you’re the rest of your speech, not to use sarcasm.
A mother who scream all day at her children, finally the kid get used to. Mom just scream all day, kids come over to visit, and say, “Don’t mind, Mama, she just the screamer, I mean she just scream all day, everything, scream all day." So the kids are used to it. But now comes the big problem when the three old year child is headed for the street and the truck is coming and mama scream. NOBODY PAYS IN ATTENTION! Mama should save up her screams, so that the day she does and it becomes a necessary of the tool of last resort, the day she scream THE WORLD STOPS ! Wow ! See that’s the key.
“IF IT’S NOT NECCESARY TO LOSE TEMPER (now sometimes it is!), IT’S NECESSARY NOT TO LOSE YOU TEMPER”. Just hang on to that emotion explosion. Yes you can explode all over somebody, but only as a last resort of it’s called for, but not all the time. All of us have to contained ourselves. Here’s the first law of the civilized society : THE RESTRAIN OF POWER AND RESTRAIN OF THE EVIL SIDE OF OUR NATURE. When a little three old boy hit another three old boy over the head, if he’s not restrain, he will do it again! And if he’s not further restrain, he’d probably enjoy it. And we have the beginning of un-civilized person.
The first mark of civilization to be a civilized society is the restrain of your emotion, the restrain of your words, the restrain of your power. That’s the beginning of the civilized society. And so it is in civilized language, communication. The restrain of being so powerful you blow somebody away or make the situation so impossible that’ll never be cure. Effective but careful, easy but powerful.
Speaking of Jesus one more time (it’s so easy to use the Bible as almost an exclusive source of stories and illustrations). The records tells according to the story tellers, the record tells us that Jesus in three and half years of HIS ministries only lost his cool just a few times, NOT A FEW TIMES A DAY ! NO ! Just a few times in three and a half years. See . . . that’s the key. But when he did, BEWARE. Just one scene where HE grove them out temple, kick over the money changer’s table, scream like a camachi, grab the whip and drove them all out the place until the place was empty!
Everybody said, “Get out of here . . . HE’s on the rampage . . . !” Have you got it? Make it on your note : NOT EVERY DAY !!! So I’m asking you, OK? The restrain the power, yes you can use, yes you can empty the place, but see only as of a tools of last resort, whether it’s the community, or the company or the person or child, right? The restrain of power.
This blog dedicated to share some experiences and notes, that maybe helpful to your life. Study, Practice and Teach. I Embrace In Double Win. The Ultimate Double Win. I Win, You Win. We will Win Together.
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Oh man you have hit the bullseye! My parents are a bit bossy and fussy over things and can get a bit abusive as well. I can totally relate to this xDD
Good job
-Pete (
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