An interesting subject now in rapping up communication, call TOOLS OF LAST RESORT. Here’s my language something you can use, that can be highly effective but we call it tools of last resort, not to be used in less of like no hope left, there is the only last chance, there’s no other possible way, the you reach in your bag of tools for the tools of last resort.
You, instead using yourself as an example, using third party as an example, you go right after somebody, it’s call a direct attack on the problem, that’s mixed in with the person, and you’re trying to be delicate and careful but they need to hear it direct. That you got to be very careful of. Use every any other means possible first before you go for the direct attack. Third party, use yourself, every illustration you can think off, but finally, that doesn’t do it, finally, you maybe to say YOU ! But you now must do it very carefully, and only as a tool of last resort

Sarcasm is a useful communication tool, but you must be careful how you use it. Sarcasm says, “Who do you think you are??!.” As the GOD say to Joe (John I mean), and he’s complaining. And GOD gave Joe a unbelievable lessons and HE said,
“Where were you when I put the world and places?!” “Where were you when I flunk the stars into the heaven?!” “Where were you? Hiding on the bush?!”
I mean, this is sort of an eagle trick for GOD working in Joe. A bit of sarcasm. But the time it comes, and Joe need to hear it, there’s no other re-course but to right after. Sure enough it turns around. Someone walks and late and you say, “Where have you been??!!!” (especially if it’s in a symbol group). You got to be very careful to things like that. That’s loaded.., with you don’t care..? Especially exposing something in an audience of people. Best to do those kind of thing private, get someone of the side and say, “Hey, late one more time, and I’m telling you, you won’t be welcome here anymore.” See you can jump the gun in somebody’s head with sarcasm. Tools of ..LAST RESORT, when there is no hope left and there’s only way.
You have to be very careful of scolding. Scolding sometimes as a last resort is very necessary, but you must be very careful. Scolding someone is like giving him a CUT, with your word like on the hand. Maybe it serves the purpose and the cut will heal, and everything will be OK, you need to get their attention. But you must not do it every day, all the time.
Some children wind up with this physic scars because they’ve been slash and cut every day, scold . . . slash . . .cut . . . every day ! And the wind up, psychology disadvantage. Because of this kind of treatment, somebody who has the words. Words that are cruel, but they use too often and too often all the time, rather than saving it up for the tool of last resort, they just cut and slash all the time, and kid sometimes has a hard time working out of this problem, because of that kind these atmosphere.

What will we say with someone now that has been convicted, they must not suffer cruel and unusual punishment, hopefully would continually to be a country that doesn’t have a minister cruel and unusual punishment.
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