Yesterday Oct 30, 2007 I saw the Google Page Rank is at 2. What an improvement huh? Now, let me give you a couple of clues now about the
ants philosophy.Here #1 : ANTS NEVER QUIT. If they’re going somewhere and you stop them or block their pathway, they’ll look for another way up down and all round. How long will they keep lookin’?
Till they find another way or until they die ! See that’s good philosophy.
That’s why ants appear to be in a hurry all summer. “Go . . Go . . Go . . Go . .”Why? “Winter . . Winter . . Winter . . Hurry . . Hurry . . Hurry . The time is running out . . Get the food, bring it back, winter’s almost here.” See that’s good philosophy. So we’ve got that notes now. Be like the ants. Think winter in the summer. Don’t think summer in the summer and get faked out, “look how lovely and look how nice” - see that’s getting fake out. Ants don’t do that.
In the winter you got say, “We won’t be in here long, we will soon be out of here, we’ll be out there working and gathering more food and providing for the future. This winter won’t last long, We’ll soon be out of here.” So the key is to think summer in the winter and, think winter in the summer. Now some of people need help on this, you got to learn how to put it the such away, and giving them the ants philosophy stories on of the best, think winter in the summer and then think summer in the winter.
Think negative when it’s positive, and then think positive when it’s negative.
ISN’T THAT A CHALLEENGE ? Yes, but that’s the life, that’s the deal. How often does winter follow fall? EVERY YEAR! Here’s the essence of life : OPPRTUNITY MIX WITH DIFFICULTY. That’s about as simple as you can put it from the beginning. So that’s not gonna change, the winter will gonna come.

But here’s what we all we need to be advice : Think winter in the summer, think opportunity in the winter. And here’s the deal : SOMETIMES THERE SEEM TO BE MORE DIFFICULTY THAN OPPORTUNITY. It does ! Then it turns ! And then there’s more opportunity than difficulty. And the key is to take advantage when liberty comes, in excess when liberty comes in a great amounts, take advantage build the city, the economy, everything.

Here’s the next one in communication, that is
Attacking the problem without attacking the person. Here’s where language must be careful when you dealing with challenges of this nature. Sometimes you got to put love and hate in the same sentences so that
there’s no misunderstanding.
God said, “ I love you but I hate your sinful ways.” Maybe God hates me?? NO. NO. NO. Let me make it clear one more time. I love you but I hate your sinful ways. Sometimes parent have got to do it. Put love and hate in the same sentences. “I love you, but I hate what’s happening” “I love you, but I hate the direction you’ve chosen” “I love you, but I hate the situation you’ve got into”
Kids need to know what you love and what you hate. Because it takes both! The old prophet said, “We must love good and hate evil.”
The evil that will destroy us, the mistakes, the miscalculation that would ruin out our reputation and leave us helpless, what good benefits somebody brings to us to help point out some of the even very sensitive things to go after the problem but hopefully they go after the problem, but they have the sincere desire to truly help.
Sometimes you can get careless in language, and you mean to help but you said it wrong.
What if you meant to say,
“What’s troubling you?" And instead you said,
“What wrong with you?”
See that’s an error in language, that can cost all kind of difficulty ! Now we’ll let you make that mistake three years ago, but three years later, to be making the same error in language?? See, we need to understand that we need learn SAY IT BETTER so that it set up a better chance for communication, and talk something constructive and not come out with something wrong.
Saying it wrong? Correct all those error in verbal judgment. Here’s a good way to go after the problem : Go after the problem that you had. I call this THIRD PARTY. I thought this then it turn to be this. I made a mistakes and misunderstood, sure enough I’m had down the wrong road, about the next week and month later, I’m in serious trouble! I finally work my way out but I’m telling you can save yourself that kind calamity, with a couple words of advice.
Use yourself as part of the problem, say :
“I was the problem at one time.” “I give people grief when I should give them thanks, and it create me no value .”
Then here’s another way : Third Party. “I know someone, who miscalculated and if they were here, here’s what they would say :
Remember that movie a long years ago : Scared_Straight ? They took some kids into prison and let them interview and talk to the prisoner and the prisoner said, “You don’t want to come here, Let me take you on a tour and show you what it is like.” And the kids came out the prison with eyes about big saying WOW!! The man said that I shouldn’t come here. See that’s kind of advice, straight talk can be so helpful if it is done in the right manner and the right way.
In building the house on the rock instead of the sand, how do you decide to build on the rock? You have somebody give you the image that they build on the sand and the suffered the disaster of the storm, because sometime when the day is unique and the sky is blue, and cloud is fleecy and white, it’s easy to be fake out and build it on the sand. There doesn’t seem to be an immediate consequences !
Somebody says, “The Storm ! The Storm !” And if you never had one of those storms, and you said What Storms ??” So let me tell you about this storm, and then you need someone to scare you to death about the potential of the upcoming storm so then you don’t make the mistake and be deluded when the days are nice to build your house on the sand.

Here is one of the challenge :
Learning to identify with whoever whom you talking to, whether it is a group or individuals. Identification simply mean
Build the Bridge Between you and someone else so that the conversation flows easy so that you try to do your best to understand where each other coming from. Identification means start with something real. If you married and have a family and you talk to someone whose married and has a family, that’s
an easy identification.

What’s about get to be more complicated is I am Man and (maybe) You are Woman ! Expectation, demands, and all of that. It’s the challenge. So make this note : If two or three agree on a common purpose, nothing is impossible. That’s a good communication challenge. Could we identify the common purpose, common reason and get together and blend our resources together, my time and your friends / spouse time?
That might be extraordinary time ! One plus one doesn’t equal two. One plus one could equal ten, the power of ten (in terms of potential power in blending talent and skills and purpose) could multiply the power not by two but by ten. That’s way an extraordinary partnerships can produce some of the most colossal productivity and activity in business structure an all kind of unique things. Doesn’t take that many.
JESUS ONLY HAD TWELVE ! So it doesn’t take two thousand. If a few say, "Let’s Conquer The World! We can do something extraordinary, your talent plus mine maybe another one or two." See just a few with a common purpose, interest and power. But the whole key is you start the potential by building a bridge of understanding each other, identification.
If the adult is 40 and the child is 12, see that a heck of bridge to build between 40 and 12. How you identify it? Remember when you’re are 12, and talk about that. One of the promise of being twelve that you’re not 13 !
This is call IDENTIFICATION : Finding some common ground in which to communicate.
An Ideas never dies. It goes and goes. Revised? Yes! Refined? Yes! Altered? Of Course! Amplified? Of Course! Make better? No Doubt! Here’s a good thought on TIME
: “Life is not just the passing of time.”
Life is a collection of experiences, their intensity and their frequency. If that’s the definition of life, then it’s possible for people to live several life times in one. So the key is to see how many experiences as you can pack into the next month, next years maybe, their by live more than one life time in one. Yes you can live it the ordinary live, BUT WHY NOT THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE !?
Even Jesus Christ said, “Here is the purpose why I came, that you might have life, REDEMPTIVE LIFE. Then He added : LIFE EXTRAORDINAERE. Pretty simple and easy to present. Both them. It’s possible to design and live an extraordinary life. And if we do, maybe we can hear God say : “Hey, well done. This is the reason for it all (to live an extraordinary life).”

Intensity is the emotional part communication. Communication is both words and emotion. Here is what’s really powerful :
WORDS LOADED WITH EMOTION. See that what’s unbelievably
It can move nations. It can help people change directions. It can establish an ideology, for good or for bad.
Look at Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, at his ability to preach. As wrong as they were, they believe it with all their heart. Disasters result. But they put everything they had into it, the emotional content was unbelievable, powerful. Yes it is an evil direction, but it can also be used in the GOOD DIRECTION. This intensity, strength, power, emotion.
Words are like a little straight pin. A You know pin? What if I took one of the straight pin, and throw it to you, and it hit you in the face or in the hand. You feel it. That’s my word that got you. But what if took that little straight pin and wire it to the end of the iron bar, about maybe five minutes. And then I let you have it, see I can drive the pin to your heart. The iron bar is the emotion, the pin is the word. Here is the craft : IN CONVERSATION IS THE CRAFT, DON’T GET LAZY IN LEARNING THIS CRAFT. Because it will serve you so well at home, in the marketplace, in your career and making your fortune. This craft of the communication.
Here is the combination : Well chosen word mix with measured emotion. Not only the word that have to be well chosen, the emotion has to be well measured. Meaning : not too much power for a minor point. The actor on the stage or in the movie, in giving a performance, has to learn this craft, of the right amount of emotion with a dialogs in the words that will be spoken.
It can be so powerful if it is measured well. See if you had a powerful point, and a little bit of emotion, that would make sense. Nobody will get it. Nobody will say : Wow such a powerful point, it’s not a very strong emotion.
So then you can, c’mon, too strong with some minor point. You know sometime kids have a legitimate objection. "You’re making too big deal." And sometimes parents have a tendency to do that. To make a big deal out of a little deal. So here’s the key : Make a big deal out of the big deal, and smaller the emotion content, on a little minor deal. That’s an art, the craft.
When you go fishing, what are they say?
“Don’t pull too hard, you’ll loose the fish.
Don’t give them too much line , they’ll get away."
So it cal PULL PULL PULL - easy . . easy . . easy..
That’s like the communication.
Strong but not too strong.
Close but not too close. (give me a little more room…)
Adjust your style to fit the occasion, and the emotional content so that it works, make sense, that when you burst on the scene it’s called for, the point is called for that much emotion. This is the craft, don’t get lazy here. Why? Because the pay off is so great, whether it’s working on the job, or advancing your career, or at home with your family, or communicating with your spouse.
Whatever it is, craft your communication. Be a little more aware, and just ask your self : COULD I POSSIBLLY GET BETTER AT AFFECTING PEOPLE WITH MY LANGUANGE, WORDS, STYLE, AND MY EMOTIONS AND ALL THE REST. And the answer if YES ! We all could. I could, YOU COULD ! That’s why I’m here, to practice my craft as well I deliver this lecture, and message. To see if I can be better this year than I was last year.

If you’re OK, say
I AM OK !!? Is these stuff helpful so far? I wanna hear YES.. Fantasic…
Here is the next one that’s really challenging, that is READ YOUR AUDIENCE,
whether an audience of a child, or audience of a training class, or whether you’re a minister and you preach. Here’s what you got to do : SAY SOMETHING WELL BUT THEN READ THE AFFECTURE HAVING.
“Should I keep going or should I quit? Is it over or..? You must know should you slow down, or speed up, or are you coming on too a little to strong, should you getting a little softer." This is what reading is all about. If you’re talking to a child, should you really pure on or should you hesitate? Should you say this for another time or do it now? Some of that you gotta pick up by reading the child. Read what’s happening to your audience of one or a thousand. This is a challenge. But it will help you in framing better the word you need to say, and the style you need to use.
If a guy leaning toward the door that mean you probably should hurry ! He’s not gonna here long. Get it done.
Now in reading, here’s three things : 
#1 You Read what you see. Sales people soon learn, if a customer got his arm folded and his chin tuck down and his frowning, this one ain’t gonna be easy. This one gonna take my skill to make his arm unfolded, make him a little more comfortable, get that frown off his face, “what can I do?” I got to reach in my back for some good stuff right, to see if I can change the situation. And what cause us now to do those amendments in our presentation, that’s reading somebody language.
#2 You Read what you hear. If it’s two way conversation, you got to listen as well as talk. Two ears one mouth, listen twice as you talk at least, maybe more. Listen so you can now how to proceed, especially if you’re talking to a child, you listen so you know how to proceed, not just going on and on.
#3You got to pick up the emotional signal, how you feel, whether you’re comin’ too stong, would you should be stronger or easier this time. That’s an art, in reading, first what you see, second what you hear, third read how you feel. Women are good in this stuff. It’s built in, I guess. So come on man?!
I'm back again, most in past few days I had something to do about the school stuff.Now you got to
develop your own style (like I do in this recent time). You can be a student of style. There is a dozen people that I know over the years that you know
those dozen appear to someone’s style. You know, NOT COPYING ANYONE PERSON. “I like the person’s gestures.” Frank Sinatra was the best not for only his lyrics and his phrasing, and his style, but his GESTURES. They were captivating, part of his persona.
So make this note, it’s not just what you say, IT IS HOW YOU SAY IT. Style, sincerity, the way you present it, heart, soul, from deep inside, commitment, dedication, all there in your language, so when you present it, become incredibly effective.
Next is Vocabulary.
The better your vocabulary, the better you can share ideas that were meaningful, find words now to use that you couldn’t use before. Interesting story on vocabulary (I read in on a book). Some people in research took a survey among prisoners, some rehabilitation programs they working on for prisoners : THERE’S DEFINITELY A CONNECTION BETWEEN VOCABULARY AND BEHAVIOR.
And here is what they discovered : THE MORE LIMITED THE VOCABULARY, THE MORE TENDENCY TO POOR BEHAVIOR. Isn’t that interesting? And when you think about it for a while, you can say, “Well I can see where that would be.” If you’re very limited in your ability to comprehend because you have such as limited small vocabulary, no matter what someone said, you’d still be confusing, it still might not make sense. They said it clear but you couldn’t see it and sometimes it’s because the vocabulary is so limited that is doesn’t have the ability to register the scene on the screen of your consciousness.
So start working on vocabulary, and immediately BEHAVIOR WILL START TO CHANGE. Being able to see, comprehend. Now I see, now I understand the reason why. And as your education increases that should be one of the major purpose of your education, is to help to see thing you couldn’t see before, comprehend what you couldn’t comprehend before, see beyond tomorrow you couldn’t see before. See that the gift. Now here’s another reason.
ONLY FROM WITH OUR PRESENT VOCABULARY CAN WE EXPRESS, what’s goin’ on our head and heart. You can’t express beyond your present vocabulary. What if it’s very limited, then your ability to express what you think, express how you feel is limited. So by a very restricted vocabulary, if you can’t understand very well, and if you can’t express very well, then your world become very very small, and you only need a place eight by ten to live.
So remember this : Make one of the books very important book and that is the DICTIONARY. Word that you don’t understand, look it up. What is the word? There is nothing richer than English language, not like Indonesian, as you translate it, the art become disappear. You understand that? It is interesting when you have MULTI LANGUAGES. (I learned Chinese language, reading and some writing, only for four months). The gift of language is so powerful, it’s worth the exercise, it’s worth the effort. Vocabulary, brevity, style, repetition, sincerity, saying it well.
Here is another on saying it well : DON’T FAIL TO SAY IT.
You need to practice. Practice every where. If you’re gonna give someone a gift and send a little card, practice making this little card something will kept and remembered for the rest of their life.
Not like every one else, different than everyone else. It’s the practice of using your gift of saying things, another way until the light turns on, another way that express something heart, felt, that the standard ordinary language couldn’t reach, couldn’t paint this mental pictures. It’s OK to give flowers. But don’t let flowers do all your talking. Flowers have a limited vocabulary.
Guess what flower say : “YOU REMEMBER ME !” That’s about all they say.
See flower talk, but they don’t say that say that. That you got to put into a little card.
Then you sign it.
And see long after the flowers were gone, somebody will gonna keep the words.
The words is more powerful than the flowers. So don’t let the flower do all your talking. See if you can choose the words that has meaning, unique, and the more you do this, practicing every little occasion to say something well. Keep improving, find a new way to say it, a new illustration, a new story, you’ll get better, the gift will belong to you, and the effect could be electrifying. DON’T FAIL TO SAY IT. I guess women are better at this really than men. Women seems to able to find the language much easier to say something. Men have to work at it a little hard. Not just standard.
Jim Rohn once told his story when he and his wife, Judy parted ways, unique experience. He wrote a little notes :
Dear Judy As often as the night comes, so does my sadness
As constant as the day arrive, so is my love for you
I wish for you and I wish the best for you And I understand that dilemma
My life is here where you touch me
If every you would call I’ll be there to be touched again.
Isn't that touch you?
Note this : “Words are no substitution for action, ACTION IS NO SUBTITUTE FOR WORDS.

It’s Ok to do.. do.. do.. but you’ve also got to say say.. say.. say.. Express it as clumsy as it might be to start. Start a better program of better communication, saying it better, saying it better.