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Should Everybody Pay?

Jesus one day was out in the front of the synagogue watching people come in and with Him were his disciples – and the custom was before they came into the synagogue, they deposit a contribution in the treasury. The story said some came with large contribution and went in, and some came with small contribution and went in, and as the disciples and Jesus watch, a little lady came along and she put two pennies in the treasury and walked in.

Jesus said, “Looked at that!”
And His disciples said, “Two pennies?
What’s two pennies?”
Jesus said, “No you don’t understand, she gave more than everybody else.”
They said, “Two pennies is more than everybody else?”
Jesus said, “Yes, because I’m sure that two pennies represented almost all of what she had.”

She gave the most! What a classic philosophy.

Here is what did not occur in this little scene : When the little lady put her two pennies in the treasury, Jesus and his disciples did not ran after her and said, “Hey.. Hold it little lady, we’d observed what’s happened with putting the two pennies in the treasury and we’d decided that you’re so pitiful and you’re so poor that we’d decided to give you back your two pennies. "

I’m here to tell you that did not occur. So make this note from this little story. Jesus left her two pennies in the treasury, even though it was the most of what she had. Wow..! That’s such a classic lesson in philosophy, that’s such a classic lesson in what all of us are involved in making contribution. Shouldn’t everybody wish to pay?

The government has to decided to leave some people that they consider poor and pitiful off the tax role, see that’s unthinkable. Even the only pay a dollar, so they can able to say, “I pay! I make my contribution, no matter how poor I am, if all I’ve got pennies, I give some as contribution, whether it’s taxes, benevolence, or whatever it is. Isn’t that a good story?


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obat kuat said...

nice post, thanks for sharing..

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