Here’s the one of the major goals to go for :
FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. Everyone has right privilege to become financially independence. So here’s my definition of financial independence :
THE ABILITY TO LIVE FROM THE INCOME OF YOUR PERSONALLY INVESTED RESOURCES. That’s the simple definition. Here’s one of the advantages of financially independence,
NOW YOU CAN WORK OR NOT WORK or you certainly choose the work to do, now you can work by choice not by necessity.
And here’s one of the best,
TO BE ABLE TO WORK FOR JOY and not for necessity. At first of course we have to work for necessity, but if you can reach the point where you can work for joy not for necessity ; debt free, no one having a claim on your asset, finally being able to live from the income of your invested resources.

Key phrase to understand, we should teach this to your children. ECONOMICS IS MAJOR. Everyone has to major in economics, number one is the PERSONAL SURVIVAL, to produce enough to take care of your self. the first economics. The next good phrase on economics : IT’S NOT WHAT YOU EARN, IT’S WHAT YOU DO WHAT YOU’VE EARN that makes the great different in your financial future. All of these is determined by your own philosophy. It’s important for early, and kids have to have a personal philosophy working even they when go to school. Here’s a good definition of your philosophy : A GUIDANCE SYTEM.
In it does simply two things : (1) HELP YOU TO SEE THE OPPORTUNITIES : TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THOSE ; (2) HELP YOU TO SEE THE DANGERS : MINIMIZE THOSE. And as we learn a grow we learn hopefully early to spot the dangers so it doesn’t over come us. We hopefully we learn early to see the opportunities, and take advantage of those, maximize as we can. That guidance system is like a sail on a sailboat. The wind is always blowing, favorable wind on favorable winds, storming winds, political winds, THE WIND IS ALWAYS BLOWING
But to arrive a pre-determined destination, it’s not just the blowing of the wind, that we have to deal with, here is the major part : THE SET OF THE SAIL, of what you learn, gathering this information, talking to each other, guidance how to trim the sail, set the sail, the Sunday morning sermon, the lyrics of the song, the dialog of the movie, words put in to good structure, so that they delivered in enlightenment, information, knowledge, and we use that to set sail, and it isn’t that to set sail once, and that’s it and it’s over, but it is a continual setting of sail everyday, every months, every year, setting sail economically, trimming the sail ; for your good health, you have to set sail to work the destination you wish to reach having good health. Then it is easy to neglect, then it is easy to slide.
Here one of the better phrases : EVERYTHING BY LONG CAVITY TENDS TO GET OFF COURSE. When the early astronauts make those trips to the moon, on the way to the moon : here’s what they had to engage in ; MID COURSE CORRECTIONS. They look at all the gauges and some of sore winds that didn’t expect has push them of course, as they looks at the gauges. Now the must fire the rockets to get the spaceship back on course, and it specially if you’re headed for the moon.
If you’re in aero plane and you miss Jakarta or Los Angeles maybe, you know you’re OK. But you can’t miss the moon. And here’s why : If you miss the moon, you can’t get back. So put this little note now, it is a pretty serious note : SOME DESINATION ARE CRITICAL. Speaking of going to the moon, Neil Amstrong in his little talk : “Going to the moon was just a matter solving a couple of problems.” I thought “That is a simple way to put it.”
Problem #1 : HOW TO GET THERE? (and you just figure that out).
Problem #2 : HOW TO GET BACK? (and you just solve that)
Now we said that’s also critical NOT TO LEAVE UNTIL YOU SOLVE BOTH PROBLEMS. I thought that was classic, haha. Speeches and information give us so much to chew on, right?

Hi there. I'm back again in writing something handful here. I want to tell you that I have finished my
master program in management in March 2008. I'm so grateful for that.
So with that in mind, let’s now engage in this little session, it maybe one of the most important for this day, designing the next 10 years. I want you to take a fresh piece of paper
or at least put a title of one page and call it GOAL WORKSHOP, and in this goal workshop I’m gonna ask you a series of questions and I want to write down the questions first and then do the exercise. Ok.

Here is #1 : I want you to list five things you’ve already accomplished that you’re proud of. Make a list of five things that you’ve already accomplished that you’re proud of. Cause all of us have set goals, even when we were kids we wish for something, work hard, and sure enough we got. List five achievement, five goals that you’ve reached in the past already that you’re proud of. If you won a gold medal at the Olympic, that would be a good one to put one there :-)
Whatever you have accomplished, just a list of the five things, this is just a little review, you know, we’re not sitting in a very bad place, we’ve accomplished something, some of us a lot of things. When you working with children, this is a good exercise to start with : WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED THAT YOU’RE PROUD OF? I’m sure some of you would be impressed.