So these five things primary were affected by. Ohh, here’s
the fifth one :Let review :
1. Environment 2. Events 3. Results 4. KnowledgeAnd there is number
#5 : WE ARE AFFECTED BY OUR DREAMS, OUR ABILITY TO SEE THE FUTURE AND GIVE IT DESIGNED.Things, places, people, career, fortune. Whatever might become important to you for the balance of your life or specially

Now most of the time we don’t do it. Here’s why we don’t really reach in the future : WE’RE TRAPPED EITHER BY REGRET OF THE PAST OR THE ROUTINE OF THE PRESENT. So busy with the routine of the present we don’t give much thought to design the future, or trapped by the past with regret of past losses or past failures or past mistakes and we really remember it over and over again, not to the benefit of changing it to the future but just because we feel that our life have been less than favorable simply because of all the things that happen to us in past.
But here’s the real key IS TO SPEND SOME TIME, and usually we don’t do it until someone comes by and offers the suggestion. That’s why meeting the right person at the right time, attending the right class, listening to the right sermon, having a conversation with the right person or reading my blog here, sometimes can totally change the direction of your life, and you never the same after that personal contact, or sitting in the class, or reading the book, or coming face to face with someone who says, “Hey, you know, our life are not that good, what could we do to change?”
And that very conversation start this whole process. Wow, I am arrive at a very poor place, how could I change all of that for the future and all of that possible. And this point of contact maybe today will help to change all of that, and give some of you a new of glimpse of some of the possibility (I have wrote at this topic in possibility and believing that the possibilities are possible for you then going to work and make them happen).
But let’s me write about SETTING GOALS and see if we can make this really meaningful.
Here’s the next key : MAKE SURE THAT THE GREATEST PULL ON YOU IS THE PULL OF THE FUTURE. Not the pull of the past and keep taking you back, not the pull of gravity like the present that just keep you sort of stuck where you are, but we will make sure that the greatest influence on pull on us is the pull of the future.
If you have POWERFUL GOALS well designed and plenty of them to assure your imagination, here’s what they will do : GOALS BECOME LIKE A MAGNET. And the bigger they are, and the stronger they are, and the longer the list, and the more things you’d like to acquire during the course of your lifetime, THE STRONGER THEY PULL !

And here’s the other advantage of setting goals so that these goals begin to pull you in that forward future direction, they pull you through, all kinds of down time, all kinds of night time experiences, all kinds of winters. You can much more easily survive the next crisis, the next winter of your life, if you have well set goals, finally tuned, places you want go, things you want to do, people you want to meet, skills you want to develop, fortune you want to make, benevolence you want to engage in.
If all of that becomes powerful and clear, and you on your way, I PROMISE YOU, no matter what happens, those GOALS WILL PULL YOU THROUGH. You won’t be loss in the middle because you will be able to see beyond.

Next we’re affected by
events, dramatic events, worldwide event, or home events, personal events. Some events affect us all. I’ve read a book remember the missile crisis.
Nikita Khrushchev and John Kennedy?Khrushchev has his missile on away to Cuba, John Kennedy finds out about it and called him :
Kennedy : "Mr. Chairman (of the communism party, Russia), you cannot put your missiles in Cuba. "
Khrushchev : "Young Mr. President, you don’t understand, this is Nikita Khrushchev, we are the soviet union, and we will put our missiles wherever we please."
Kennedy : "Mr. Khrushchev, listen carefully, you can put your missiles 90 miles from Florida."
Khrushchev : "I hate to inform you, but the missiles are already on the way."
Kennedy : "Mr. Khrushchev, we will not let those missiles arrive. "
Khrushchev : "Mr. President, you don’t understand, if you touch those missiles that are on the way, it means war ! "
Kennedy : "Mr. Khrushchev, I must inform you sir, in all seriousness, if it is war, Russia will seize to exist !"
Photo : U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, and U.S. President John F. Kennedy June 3, 1961: U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk at background, left, looks on as Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev walks with U.S. President John F. Kennedy in a garden at the residence of the U.S. ambassador in Vienna, Austria.
And Dean Rusk , the state department at that time I think put it will, said, Kennedy and Khrushchev were staring each other down, and fortunately for all us, Khrushchev blinked, and finally agree to turn around and take his missiles back home. And the world breathe easier. (see picture).
These whole thing about atomic war finally become a reality, and we’re saying WOW, surely NOT but the sake of our children and our children, and I’m sure the Russian officials and Soviet Union Officials and Nikita Khrushchev finally decided for the sake of their children and their grand children, there is no need to have the confrontation with United States.
BUT IT WAS SO CLOSE. So some events affect us all.

Here is the next one : WE ARE AFFECTED BY OUR RESULTS, whatever they been, the result of our errors, or our disciplines. Now here is what’s so staggering about being a human being, IT IS POSSIBLE IMMEDIATELY UPON DECISION TO START A NEW PROGRAM OF CHANGING RESULTS.
If you had in a certain direction and looks like in five years and you will wind up here, and you take a look of that in five years, and you say, “Yes, it’s looks like what I’m doing right now if I continued doing what I’m doing now, looks like I will wind up here.” Let’s say that suddenly on careful consideration you decide : THAT’S NOT A VERY GOOD PLACE, THAT’S NOT A VERY EXCITING PLACE TO ARRIVE. Is it possible as human being to change your destination point five years from now? And the answer is YES. See that’s so extraordinary !
Pick a different destination in five years, and started making plan, learning the skills, and accept the disciplines, and the teaching and the training, and the consistency of effort and just start going into a new direction and in five years from now, wind up in a totally different places than where it was assume you will gonna arrive with the old plans.
Only human being have the extraordinary ability to change the outcome to pick a new direction and go that way, to pick a more certain place to go and read the books, and attend the classes and develop the discipline and find the people and do the business, whatever, that takes you to the new destination.
Next, WE ARE AFFECTED BY KNOWLWDGE, whatever you know has brought you to where you are, what’s you’ve missed in the past, at particular moment, you might could vary to a much better place, if you hadn’t missed what you missed in the past. But now knowledge can turn it all around. Knowledge can start us in a new track, can help us not only to review the past, but the peering of the future, and say, WOULD IT POSSIBLE? Be possible to have a more unique design for the future than what I’ve had in the past, and the answer of all that is YES !